Page 22 of Hurricane's House
“Thanks,” Wren breathed. “Blade said that he’d get back to me tonight sometime, but he didn’t need to wait to call me. As soon as he showed Chasity’s picture around, a few of the guys recognized her. She had somehow passed for twenty-one, and according to Savage, had a damn good fake ID to boot.”
“Shit,” Hurricane spat. “Is she okay? Did any of those fuckers lay a finger on her?”
Tina squeezed his hand into her own. “According to Savage, no one touched her. He promised to break body parts if any of his guys were lying to him.”
“Yeah, Savage is a good guy,” Hurricane said. “So, what’s the plan? Do they have Chasity?”
“No,” Wren admitted, “but they seem to know where they can find her. Savage said that he’ll put a few guys on watching her, without her knowing it. If she leaves, we’ll never find her, and we will need time getting down there.”
“That might take a bit of planning,” Hurricane said.
“Savage has offered a solution for that too,” Tina said.
“Oh?” Hurricane asked. “What’s that?”
“He said that he’ll send someone named Ryder to pick us up in a private plane. I’m sure that we can get someone to help with your mom and the baby,” Wren offered.
“I don’t mind hanging back and keeping an eye on them both. They both know me and well, I think that your mom has a sweet spot for me, Yonkers.” Reacher gave him an exaggerated wink, making everyone laugh, except for Yonkers.
“Don’t even think about it,” Yonkers growled.
“It’s settled then,” Tina said, interrupting the friendly pissing match that was going on between Reacher and Yonkers. “When will the plane get here?”
“In about an hour. It’s landing on a private airstrip up in Newark and we’ll have just enough time to pack a bag and drive up there,” Hurricane said.
“We’ll meet you at the airport,” Yonkers said. “I’m sure that Wren will want to kiss the baby a million times before we leave.”
“And rightly so,” Wren said, “have you seen how cute our kid is? Let’s head out so that I can get as many snuggles as possible before we have to leave.” Hurricane walked everyone out of the bar and locked the front door behind them, and Tina wasn’t sure if she felt relief that they were actually going to fly to Alabama or panic that her niece might not be there.
“What happens if we get down there and she’s gone?” Tina almost whispered.
“Then, we’ll figure out our next step,” he assured. “We’ll find her though, honey, and we’ll convince Chasity to come home with us, where she belongs.” He pulled her into his arms, and she sighed. He always had that effect on her. Every time he touched her, she calmed down and right now, she could use all the calm she could get.
They all met at the airstrip about three hours later, as promised, and Ryder and the plane were waiting for them. Hurricane loved that Savage was willing to send his pilot and their club’s plane to pick them up, but that was the Royal Bastards’ way. They always helped a brother in need. Hurricane just hoped like hell that this plan worked because coming home empty-handed would kill Tina. She needed Chasity back—they both did. They had become a little family and now that she was gone, it felt as though their family was incomplete.
“Hurricane?” Ryder asked, holding out his hand to him.
“Yep, and you must be Ryder,” Hurricane said, shaking the guy’s hand. “Good to meet you and thanks for doing this for us.”
“Not a problem. That’s what Royal Bastards do,” Ryder said.
Hurricane nodded and pulled Tina against his side, “This is my Ol’lady, Tina, and you know Yonkers and Wren,” he said, nodding to the pair standing next to them. Ryder shook Tina’s hand and then hugged Wren and Yonkers. They had become such a big part of Hurricane’s club; that he had almost forgotten that they had ties to another one down south.
“Ready to get this show on the road?” Ryder asked. “By the time we get back to Alabama, the scene will be kicking up at the clubhouse and your niece might make an appearance. She’s been hanging out with a few of the prospects, but Savage has promised to warn them off her if need be. She won’t know that we’re on to her, but the guys won’t touch her either.” Hurricane wasn’t worried that they’d touch Chasity now, but what if they had already? She was just a kid and the thought of any of the guys putting their hands on her made him want to tear them apart.
Tina reached out and patted his arm as if reading his mind. “Don’t worry,” she said. “She can take care of herself. What’s done is done and Chasity was the one who went into that club looking for trouble. You’ve seen her when she’s all made up—even I think she could pass for about twenty-two.”
“I know,” he whispered, “but I just can’t help but feel as though I failed her. What if she’s had to grow up faster than she was ready to?” he asked.
“Then, we’ll deal with that later. Right now, the most important thing is just getting Chasity home. We can figure everything else out from there,” she promised. Here, he was the one who was supposed to be comforting Tina, and she was doing that for him.
“We’re quite a pair, aren’t we?” he whispered into her ear.
“That we are,” Tina agreed. She sat down in the seat next to Hurricane and looked around the plane. “It’s not very big, is it?” she asked. It looked to be about a twenty-seater, and she was right—it wasn’t very big compared to a commercial flight, but he had experience flying around the country doing research. His day job took him to a lot of places and sometimes, the only way to get there was by a tiny plane, much like this one, and sometimes even smaller.
“You’ll be all right, I promise,” he assured. He helped her buckle into her seat and wrapped a protective arm around her.
“You’ll be great,” Wren said from the other side of the aisle. “And we’ll be flying back home with Chasity before you know it.”