Page 8 of Hurricane's House
“I love chicken,” she admitted. “I guess that’s the first thing you know about me now.”
Hurricane shook his head, “No, I think that I know a bit more about you than your meat preferences. I mean, you love your niece, and you are trying to honor your brother’s last wishes. That makes you a pretty good person in my book.”
She shrugged as though it wasn’t a big deal. “She needs me and besides, it’s what anyone would do for family,” she insisted.
“Not everyone,” he grumbled. “I came from a pretty great family, and I’m sure that they would have done anything for me, like you’re doing for your family, Tina. But I was an asshole teen that didn’t appreciate them. I still feel bad about the way that I treated my parents—although, they’ll tell you that it wasn’t a big deal, it was. My behavior almost tore my whole family apart. That’s a story for another time though.” He handed her the plate of chicken, and she took some, thanking him and handing it back. Everything felt so civilized, he wondered if that was the way Tina liked things. She looked a bit nervous and that was the last thing he wanted.
“Is this okay?” he asked from across the table.
“Is what okay?” she asked.
“You know, a formal dinner and all of that. I usually don’t even use this table, but I’m trying to impress you.” Admitting that out loud might have Tina running for the hills, but he didn’tcare. Before the night was over, he planned on admitting so much more to her, and he was pretty sure that every bit of it would make her blush again.
“You’re trying to impress me?” she asked.
“Yeah, I like you, Tina,” he admitted.
“Thank you,” she whispered. He chuckled and reached across the table to cover her hand with his own.
“I was hoping that you like me too,” he breathed.
“Um, I do,” she squeaked. God, he found everything about her sexy as fuck. “I’m just not sure if you mean what I think that you meant,” she whispered.
“What do you think that I meant, Tina?” he asked.
“How about you tell me what you meant, and I’ll tell you if that’s what I thought?” she asked. Hurricane knew that he was fucking up their whole evening, jumping to the part that he wanted the most from her, but there would be plenty of dinners and time to talk later. Right now, he wanted Tina to be sure of what he was asking her for.
He stood and rounded the table, pulling her up from her seat. “This is what I meant by telling you that I like you, Tina,” he said. He pulled her into his arms and sealed his mouth over hers. She tasted like sunshine and the wine that they were drinking, and God, he wanted more of her.
Hurricane broke their kiss, leaving them both panting, and she smiled up at him. “I was hoping that was what you meant,” she breathed.
“So, you wouldn’t mind if I do this then,” he said, running his hands down her body to grab handfuls of her luscious ass. Tina wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down for another kiss.
“I don’t mind it at all,” she whispered against his lips.
“I wanted you as soon as you walked into the diner, pissed as hell at me, and sassy enough to set me on fire,” he admitted.
“I’m not sassy,” she insisted.
He smiled and pulled her up into his arms. “Sassy,” he breathed. “Tell me that you’re okay with what’s going to come next, honey,” he said. Hurricane knew that they had only just met, but there was something about Tina that made him feel as though he had known her all his life.
“Where are you taking me?” she asked as he headed up his stairs to the second floor.
“My bedroom and this is the part where you have to tell me if you’re okay with this or not, Tina,” he said. “If this is all moving too fast for you, let me know and we can go back down to the kitchen and eat dinner.” He stood outside his closed bedroom door and waited for her to answer. He meant what he said—if she didn’t want what he was offering, he’d take her back downstairs, but he hoped that they were on the same page.
Tina framed his face with her soft hands and smiled at him, taking away the breath that he didn’t know that he was holding. “I want this, Hurricane,” she admitted. “I want you too. It’s why I thought about not coming here tonight. I didn’t want to screw things up with Chasity any more than they already are. I don’t want her to know that this is going on between the two of us.”
“Well, nothing has happened yet, but I can keep a secret if you need me to, honey,” he agreed. He’d promise her just about any damn thing that she wanted as long as she agreed to be his.
“Then, we have about three hours before she comes home. What will you do with me?” she asked. He loved the way that she teased him without knowing that she was. “Sorry,” she said after he chuckled. “I’m not very good at any of this. I don’t have a lot of experience with men,” she admitted.
He started into the room and stopped in place when he realized what she had just said. “But you do have experience—you know, with men, right?”
She giggled, “If you’re asking if I’m a virgin, I’m not. But I haven’t had very much success with the opposite sex.”
“I know that you think that I should be upset about that, honey, but I’m actually happy to hear it. I don’t need you to have been with other men. I just want you in my bed.” He laid her on his bed and looked her over. She was right—they only had three hours, and he wasn’t sure how he wanted to spend it, but he was sure of one thing—he wanted to pass the time hearing her scream out his name as many times as possible.
“Is everything okay?” she asked.