Page 98 of From the Ashes
“What did you have in mind?”
I knewexactlywhat he had in mind, but I wanted to hear him say it.
“How about I take you to bed and ravish you?” he growled, his warm hands working their way under my shirt. “Or maybe we could do it right in the middle of the living room before the furniture gets here and just mark the place as our own.”
A shiver ran through my entire body, my jeans tenting in a flash.
“Fuck I love it when you talk like that.”
“And I love that look in your eyes when I say things like that,” he replied, scooping me up in his arms. “You look so damnbreedable…”
“Charlie Miller,” I scoffed. “Are you calling mesubmissive and breedable?”
He waggled his eyebrows. “Maybe…”
“You need to spend less time on social media.”
“But are you?”
I rolled my eyes, unable to even pretend I was upset with him. Kicking my legs out, I got to my feet, my cock fully erect and visible through my jeans. I held out my hand to him.
“Yes, I am,” I sighed. “Now don’t keep me waiting.”
He crossed his arms over his chest, looking up at me with a grin. “Did you finish all your bookstuff today?”
I sighed again, not letting my hand drop. “Yes, yes. I sent the edits to Tony already. He’s delivering them tomorrow morning to the publisher.”
“And you’re sure they’re gonna like them?”
“I don’t give a rat’s ass whether they like it or not,” I shot back. “I’ve written an incredible book, and I sold over a million copies of the last one. The chances of this new one not making them a ridiculous amount of money is close to zero.” I reached out, prying his hand away from his chest and pulled him to his feet. “Besides, they already paid me. My part in this is done.”
“No more book signings?”
“Not unless I want to do them,” I said, wrapping my hands around his waist. “I had Tony write that part out of the contract. They can’t get me to do shit now unless I agree.”
Charlie paused for a moment, looking me over. “And you’re happy here? Up in the mountains with just the two of us?”
I reached up, brushing a lock of hair from his forehead affectionately. “Charlie, I’m the happiest I’ve ever been in my entire life. I have everything I’ve ever wanted.”
“Money and a big house in the mountains?”
“You,” I said, pressing my forehead to his. “All the rest of it means nothing without you.”
His face turned red as he smiled, his eyes darting downward for a moment. “You’re just trying to butter me up so I’ll fuck you.”
I nodded. “Is it working?”
He looked me over, sighed, and nodded back. “Yep.”
Before I could reply, Charlie scooped me up in his arms, his strength surprising me as he swept me off my feet. Without a backwardglance, he carried me inside and up to our bedroom. There he placed me gently on the bed, kissing me as he crawled on top of me. My arms were locked around his neck as I kissed him back. I was never able to get enough of him and I never would be. I wanted him so badly. Even when we did this three times in a day, I still yearned for him. Something about being skin to skin with Charlie felt soright. Like it was the place I’d belonged my entire life.
And I needed it again.
But as much as I wanted Charlie to make me his, he was all gentleness. Even after two years of being side by side nearly every day, he hadn’t grown tired of savoring my body. Piece by piece, he stripped off my clothing, laying them aside as he kissed my newly bare skin. My shirt went first as he kissed his way down my torso, making my skin break out in goosebumps. When he came up against my jeans, he popped the button, slid them off, and proceeded to kiss my legs, my hips, and anything in between.
My cock was straining against my underwear, and I breathed a sigh of relief as he freed me from my fabric prison. His left hand gently caressed my balls, a moan escaping my lips as he ran his tongue over the sensitive underside of my shaft. Beingworshipedlike this was a new sensation for me and one that I loved dearly. No man had treated me as good as Charlie did. And because of that, every touch of his was more vibrant and moreintensethan anything I’d ever felt.
A moment later, he took me into his mouth, my moans doubling in an instant. I couldn’t help but buck forward, burying myself as far as I could go. His warmth enveloped me, and those soft lips drove me to the brink of oblivion all too quickly. With one hand wrapped around my shaft and the other rubbing a finger in slow circles around my needy hole, he had me cumming in his mouth in no time.