Page 26 of Fury of Affliction
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
Be grateful for the heat along with the oxygen.
Suffering in silence, Natalie tried to be patient. Battled to remain calm instead of give into panic. Any second now. Any moment?—
Something raked the side of the truck.
Her eyes popped open. Her head whipped to the side. Black eyes with a glowing rim of bright blue met hers through the window. Relief stole her breath. Tears filled her eyes. His huge talons flexed. Dark blue claws sliced through the steel. The sunroof above her head shattered. Glass exploded outward as he peeled the top of the truck back.
“It’s locked,” she rasped, yanking at her seatbelt. “I can’t…it’s locked.”
Shark-gray scales shimmered as he flicked his claws. The air shimmered. Compression across her chest loosened. The bubble floated up, liberating her from the confines of the truck.
A sob escaped her. Needing to touch him, she reached out.
“Gonna bring you up, shaleima,”he murmured, palming the airlock that provided life-giving oxygen.“Find a safe spot to set down. Check you out. Make sure you’re okay, yeah?”
Unable to wait that long, she shook her head. “No.”
“No. I can’t wait. I need you right now.”
“Shift. Please, Sveld, shift and get in here.”
He hesitated, then did as she asked. Warm water became warmer as he shifted from dragon to human form. She watched talons turn into hands, saw scales smooth into skin and the horns on his head disappear. Any other time, she would’ve paid attention to his transformation. Not tonight. With desperation driving her, she needed him too much. Wanted to be in his arms with her skin pressed tight to his instead of admiring the view.
With a groan, he answered the plea and entered the airlock. Big hands reached for her. She launched herself at him. Her body slammed against his. Wet clothes slid against his naked skin as his arms came around her. Face pressed into his throat, she clutched at him and burrowed deep, desperate for close to become closer.
“Hey…hey…it’s okay,” he whispered as her hands grasped at him. “I’m here. You’re all right.”
Drinking in the reassurance, Natalie raised her head. She caught the concern in his eyes, but it wasn’t enough. She needed more. Here. Now. No delay. And so, instead of taking a breath, she tunneled her fingers through his hair, leaned forward, and kissed him hard.
Surprise locked his frame. His arms flexed around her.
Taking advantage, she nipped his bottom lip, then invaded his mouth. His taste hit her. Bliss drove need to new heights as he growled and kissed her back. Dragging her t-shirt up, his fingers danced along her back. He caressed her gently, drifting over her skin, worshiping her with his touch. She wiggled, asking for more. Giving her what she wanted, he slipped his hand beneath her waistband and cupped her behind. Callused palm against smooth skin, he drew her deeper into his embrace.
Humming her approval, Natalie broke the kiss long enough to yank her shirt off. Her mouth found his again. He shoved her sweatpants down, then off. Naked in his arms, relief scrambled her molecules, putting her back together one piece at a time as her breasts met his chest. Impatient, needy, so deep in desire she didn’t care where she was, she kicked her feet free and swung her legs around his hips.
“Yeah?” he asked, tone guttural, pressing his erection against the heat of her. “Here?”
“And now.” Mouth brushing his, she met his gaze. Hunger burned in his, mirroring her own as she rolled her hips, coating him in slickness. “Right now, handsome. Need you.”
“Goddess, Natalie. Gorgeous,” he groaned, supporting her weight, holding her secure, encouraging her to undulate against him. “Beautiful. Just like that, baby.”
“Miss me?”
“So much. So fucking much,shaleima. Hungry too. Haven’t fed. Couldn’t touch another female. Needed you. No one else but you.”
“I’m sorry, honey.”
Rubbing his cheek against hers, he shook his head. “I’m not…I’m not.”