Page 73 of Where You Are
Loves everything in you
After all that we’ve been through
Say your home is here with me
My home is in your heart
In the desert, under the North Star?
Is that where you are?
In the ocean water,
Or around the corner
Is that where you are?
Waiting under my sheets for me
I want that to be
Where you are
Iswear, this song is putting a spell over me. I’m entranced as my feet shift me forward through the door and carry me slowly towards the man I love as he sings to me. His eyes are the darkest blue I’ve ever seen them that no ocean could ever compare to. The amount of love in them stretches on for lifetimes.
I’ve never heard this song before, but the lyrics fit us so beautifully, and it’s the more mellow sounding rock that he’d once told me he wanted to try one day. The sun shines all around him and reflects off the sparkling white snow, making me feel like we’re in some magical fantasy, just him and me.
His beautiful playing and his wonderful words conclude just as I stop right in front of him.
“M,” his first initial leaves my mouth on a puff of white vapor from the cold as he slings his guitar behind his back to pull me close with both hands.
“Em,” he says back, a longing in his eyes; a pleading. “I’ve never… loved anyone like this. I love you so much I don’t know how my heart can possibly hold it all.”
My own heart seems to grow wings and flutter up as high up in my chest as it can go.
“Please say that I can be wherever you are for the rest of our lives. I don’t care where it is. If you want to go somewhere warmer, we can do that. I just want to be with you, and I want…” he trails off as he looks down at me, an urgency joining the emotions in his eyes as he looks down at me. I bring my hands up to hold his face, keeping my eyes on his, encouraging him to say what’s in his heart.
“Will you please be my wife?” he exhales as if he’s worried my answer could be anything other than-
“Yes,” I nod up at him and that’s all he needs before crushing his mouth down on mine. I welcome the passionate kiss and release a joyful whimper into his mouth. We allow the kiss of a lifetime to envelope us for several moments before he gently pulls away, and I notice his beautiful blue eyes are glistening.
“You said yes,” he murmurs, like he still can’t believe it.
“On one condition,” I smile up at him as a tear spills out of the corner of my eye.
“Oh yeah? What’s that?” he playfully smirks as he wipes it away.
“You record that song. And you sing it.”
“Em,” he raises his eyebrows like he’s leveling with me. “I’ll be damned if I let your brother sing a song I wrote about you,” he chuckles and a laugh bursts out of me at the realization of how weird that’d be. “So is that the only condition?” he asks, once our laughter settles. “Are you sure my queen doesn’t want me to take her someplace warmer?”
“No,” I shake my head at him. “I’ve been enough places to last a lifetime. I want to stay here now.” That earns me a warm smile and another kiss. “Although,” I add when he pulls away, “I wouldn’t say no to the lake.”
“Yeah?” he asks lovingly, still looking down at me. “I think I can make that happen. We were pretty good there weren’t we?”
He leans down for yet another kiss as I nod, before leaning back to regard me again.
“I want you,” he informs me on a husky whisper.