Page 11 of For Her
I see the number to the doctor’s office on the screen when I pick it up to answer.
“Jack, it’s Dr. Eaton. We have your lab results, if you have a minute to go over them,” he informs me in an annoying-ass monotone so that I can’t tell if the news is good or bad.
“Yeah, definitely, I’ve got time,” I tell him. “Maze, it’s the doctor,” I call over to her and she looks eager and serious as she swiftly walks in to sit next to me on the bed while I put the phone on speaker. “Go ahead.”
“Jack, all your bloodwork came back normal, and so did your stress test. That actually looked remarkably good for you being a touring musician,” he states. I’m both relieved and confused at this news. It’s great that there’s nothing serious going on, but then whatisgoing on?
“So he’s okay?” Mayzie asks.
“Yes, Jack’s perfectly fine. In fact,” he pauses as we hear some keys on his computer tapping. “I may know what’s going on.”Thank God.“I see here in the nurse’s note that your wife is expecting?” He doesn’t need to look at notes for that, all he has to do is go on the internet, but I humor him.
“That’s right,” I confirm. “Mayzie’s twelve weeks along.”
“I see. And how have you been feeling, Mrs. Krasinski?”
“Uh…” Mayzie looks as confused as I feel as she tries to answer. “Really tired, and I have hyperemesis so I get sick every day, but it’s not as bad as it was at first. That and the indigestion have been giving me a pretty weak appetite. And I think that’s… it…” she hesitantly trails off as she turns her head toward me. She left out her increased sex drive, but that’s between her and me.
“Hey, uh, no offense, but what does this have to do with what’s going on with me?” I ask, still confused to all hell.
“Jack, I have every reason to believe you’re experiencing a sympathetic pregnancy,” the doc clarifies, as I feel my jaw drop open.
“Uh… what’s…” I don’t even know how to phrase my question. I look to Mayzie whose eyebrows are drawn together, and her mouth is slightly open too. Good, I’m not alone in thewhat the hell is this guy talking aboutboat.
“It’s when a man has a deep enough connection with his wife that when she exhibits symptoms of pregnancy, he feels them too,” he explains, like it’s simple math.
Son of a bitch. I’ve been having pregnancy symptoms this whole time. My body has been mimicking Mayzie’s.Holy shit! Am I going to grow a big stomach?I inwardly panic.
“It’s usually not every symptom, and it’s to a lesser degree. It usually goes away quicker too,” he assures us before wishing us good luck and telling us to call if we have questions or if anything changes, and signing off. Mayzie reaches for my phone and places it on the side table. She then turns to me, wrapping her arms around my shoulders.
“That’s good news,” she says sweet and quiet as she starts kissing my cheek. “Jack, you’re okay.”
“Yeah,” I say, bringing a hand up to hold onto one of her forearms. I feel dumbfounded and ridiculous. “I’m just pregnant,” I say cynically, shaking my head.
“Withme,” she points out as she kisses down my cheek some more, making her way to my jaw. “I think it’s sweet… and romantic.”
“That I’m such as wuss my body can’t handle you being pregnant without me taking some of the glory too?”
“That you love me so much that you’re going through this with me, without even meaning to,” she says, climbing on top of me. I welcome her but grab onto her hips and position her in my lap just right so that she doesn’t jostle my stomach, which is still a little uneasy. She takes my face in her hands and starts to kiss me, so sweetly. I do love her that much that if it were a conscious decision, I would share in the physical hardships of pregnancy. I just had no fucking idea it was possible. Mayzie continues to kiss from my lips to the other side of my face.
“Wow,” I muse, “What’s gotten intoyou?” I wrap both my arms around her and welcome the affection she’s raining all over me.
“I don’t know. I just feel so much closer to you now,” she says, grabbing at my shirt and pulling it off of me.
“You didn’t before?” I ask as my stomach rumbles.Fuck, not now.
“Of course I did. I always have.” Her voice is picking up speed and urgency. “But this is a different level, and it makes me just want to get even closer and make love to you.”
My stomach churns again and it is the worst fucking time. Icannotandwill notturn my wife down. I try to tamp down the queasiness, feeling seriously worried that it might ruin things, when I suddenly feel a switch get flipped. The nausea dissipates and I feel this mystical sense of arousal settle over me.
All of a sudden, I’m feeling so emotionally connected to Mayzie that when her lips go to that special spot on my neck, I’m turned on to full throttle. I grab at her shirt and pull it off her before lying back on the bed and pulling her with me.
The heavy wood door swings open, and we’re greeted by our friend and Jack’s former coworker, Tyler. He’s grown a little scruff, and there’s a content smile on his face that says he’s loving life.
“Hey guys, get in here!”