Page 19 of For Her
“Seriously, it was like I was possessed back there,” I wave in the direction of the truck outside. “How are you not secretly planning your escape from me right now?” I feebly demand as I let my head drop back and close my eyes. “I’ve become every man’s worst fear; trapped in a marriage to a crazy woman. I’m crazy, I - what are you doing?” I look up when I feel his hand on my hip while the other takes my hand and puts it on his chest. The next thing I know, he’s swaying us back and forth.
“Calming you down,” he answers tenderly. “Dancing is what you do when you’re emotional, right?”
Okay, now someone needs to get a sponge, because I’m melting all over my kitchen floor and it’s making a huge mess.
“How are you so sweeeeeet?” I ask as I dissolve into a pathetic sobbing mess again. Ihatecrying! And oh no, the crazy is back!
“Run, Jack,” I order in a whisper as I rest my cheek against his chest. “Save yourself.”
“Shhh,” he whispers into my hair.
“No, really. You’ve been having sympathy symptoms, what if it getsyou,too?”
“It’s not going to get me, Baby,” he lulls as he continues to sway us, and I finally give into his actions as I take a deep breath and relax into him while he starts to softly hum our song.
Thank God at least one of us can keep their head on straight and hold us both together.
The phone rings four fucking times before Sarah picks up.
“What’s up, little bro?”
“Why, what’s going on?”
“Some poltergeist has taken over my wife!” I hiss into the phone. I know Tyler warned me about this, but I need to speak to a professional.
“Why, what’s she doing?”
“She’s crying and saying ridiculous shit.”
“Normal,” she spews out, casual but firm.
“And I’m pretty sure I just heard her ask for olives while ordering a pizza.”
“She hates olives with a purple passion.”
“She’s sharing her body with another person right now, Jack. She’s craving olives because the baby is telling her that’s what it wants. Which by the way, fucks with one’s hormones, and that fucks with one’s emotions. Everything is normal,” she repeats, echoing everything I said to Mayzie earlier. Weird. I guess having a sister in the field has rubbed off on me.
“So what can I do about it?”
“Ride it out,” I hear Mike, her husband, call out in the background.
The mood swings took a little getting used to, but after a week or so, I started to realize when they were happening and have gotten control over the situation. Now, I can tell when my mood is about to shift and I’m careful to isolate myself in a room until it passes and I’m me again.
It’s March, and we’re in Los Angeles for The Grammys. Turn it Up is up for Best Rock Single forStill Her, Best Rock Album, and Rock Band of the Year. Three Grammys is exciting, but I’ve come to learn that also means the paps are really going to be honing in on the band, especially during the red carpet arrivals. This means the band has to make a big statement, as well as the ladies on their arms, which means we’ve had to call in the big guns.