Page 34 of For Her
“Then, you’re going to rub my back some more!”
My wrist actually is starting to cramp up, but I can handle that.
“Then, you’re going to watchHow to Lose a Guy in 10 Dayswith me!”
I actually like that movie, don’t tell her.
“Andthen, tomorrow morning, you’re going to do some Alec and Hilaria prenatal yoga with me!”
Oh come ON!
“That all sounds great, Baby. No sweat,” I assure her, keeping an accommodating smile on my face. “I’ll be right back with your wings, Sweetheart.” I lean in and give her a loud kiss on her cheek and head to the garage, snatching my truck keys off the wall hook on my way out.
“And some cheesecake!” she calls after me.
“Couples yoga was invented for no other reason but to give the guy in the relationship blue balls,” Jack complains the next day as he holds onto my hips while I dip my upper body in a forward bend.
“With how much we’ve been going at it lately, I’d say your balls are hardly blue.”
“I know, but think about it, every pose has your ass against my junk, me hovering over you, you straddling me, me holding your legs open or all of the above.”
I bark out a laugh as I straighten back up, as most of the poses we’ve done together have been borderline Kama Sutra.
We hear the video chat notification go off on Jack’s phone, just as I’m enjoying the gentle pull this pose is having on my stiff sacrum.
“It might be Ron,” I grumble, not wanting to halt our yoga session. I have to admit, I’m kind of liking this all about me thing Jack has been insisting on; at least while I’m carrying the child he put in me.
“He can wait,” Jack assures me.
“No, video chats are usually serious,” I remind him from my upside-down position.
“Not this important,” he calmly argues. “I’m so close, I just need two more minutes.”
I laugh so hard I ditch my pose and drop into a squat.
“Shut up!” I turn to swat his calf, still laughing while he chuckles down at me. “Just go answer your damn phone.”
Jack walks over to where his phone sits on the kitchen counter going ape shit with the chat notification, and then freezes, staring down at it without answering.
“Who is it?” I ask, grabbing onto the side of the couch and hoisting myself up as it continues to go off.
Jack doesn’t answer, and instead continues to stare before hastily snatching his phone up off the counter and swiping the screen to answer.
“So many questions,” he snaps cynically at whoever he sees on his screen. “Starting with how the hell you got my number, followed by how do you work up the fucking nerve to contact me! I take it you skipped the life lesson in how shame works, huh?”
“Jack, please calm down and hear me out,” I hear a vaguely familiar voice say as I waddle over to join Jack.
“Who is it?” I ask again in a whisper, but my question is answered when I make it to his side and see the all too familiar face of Kassandra Morgan populating his screen. While I can see her, Jack is holding the phone at just the right angle so she can’t see me. Fuming, I try to steal myself as I rest a hand on my belly, a new centering tactic I’ve discovered. This woman is right up there with Oprah and was going to give Eli an exclusive interview after everything he’s done. It makes me sick that she’s now calling my husband.
“I just had an impromptu Zoom meeting with both your agent and your manager. Though it went very well, they wanted to contact you first to give you a heads up that I’d be calling. I knew you’d react this way and refuse to talk to me, so I convinced them to let me reach out myself.”
“You know, I thought as a woman in this industry you’d be against feeding a sexual predator exactly what he wants,” Jack continues his defensive attack.
“I am,” she simply states.
“It sure looked otherwise,” Jack rolls his eyes with a scoff.