Page 44 of For Her
The stage remains dark, save for the fog that starts slowly billowing along its edges. Jack’s voice is then followed by the strike of chord on an electric guitar that is distorted by the amp. I can tell by the sound, he’s discreetly tuning it to the key he wants as it’s quickly joined by some notes from Josh’s guitar and some bass beats from Matt as they do an impromptu prep before they dive into the music. Chris’s drumsticks can then be heard clicking together before crashing down on the drums as the stage lights blast bright, revealing Turn it Up’s surprise appearance.
The excited roar of the crowd is deafening but exciting as the guys start a mellow jam session, that they keep mild for a few moments before Matt finally grabs his mic and starts doing his thing, which is strutting around the stage while he gets the fans riled up, not that there’s a need as they’re already freaking out pretty decently.
“I know you didn’t think we’d let a music festival happen in our own home town without dropping by, right?” His rhetorical question is met with ear splitting screams and whistles as he asks another. “Do you all mind sticking around a little longer so that we can celebrate summer and rock music with you too?” Cue more hysterical screaming as Jack smiles coyly, not missing a beat on his electric.
Even I don’t know what they’re playing tonight, I just know they are stopping buy to play four songs and I’m assumingSee Herwill be one of them. I’m not wrong, as it’s the song they start with, and then they surprise the crowd by playing a couple more that are recorded on their albums but were not released as singles on the radio.
Cell phones are up everywhere, recording the unexpected treat that they hadn’t bargained for.
“We want to play you all just one more before we say goodnight,” Matt teases before looking over at the lead singer. “Jack?”
“Yeah,” Jack approaches his mic as he busies himself with adjusting the strings on his guitar. “I know it’s no secret to you all that I kind of have a thing for my incredible wife.”
A collectiveAwwwwresounds throughout the amphitheater as Jack smiles, showing his dimple in response before continuing.
“And I’m sure you all know that she recently made me a daddy,” he chuckles, as the female portion of the audience goes crazy. “She gave us a beautiful son,” he adds, before he and the rest of the guys position their instruments, ready to play. “Mayzie, my love, this is for you.”
The band commences a slow yet powerful melody that I’ve never heard before.
Holy shit, this is a new song.
The drum beats are loud and heavy, the bass soft but resounding. Jack cranks out some loud, blaring and emotional notes on his strings as his face takes on an expression that is the perfect blend of passion and peace.
The melody evens out and Jack steps up to the mic.
“A hilltop in the afternoon sun
She and I on the run
To the place where I’m only hers, and she’s only mine.
With every blink, she brings me to life
For her, there’s no such thing as sacrifice
Wake up every day and know I’ve won.
Everything I do… it’s for her.
Every song I play… for her.
Every word, every chord, every note… for her.
Every day, every step, every breath… for her.”
Oh my God…
Another song.
I can’t believe he wrote another song. He could write a million more and I don’t think I’ll ever get over the joy and thrill.
And oh my God, the love.
My chest heaves and my heart feels too excited to beat as I look up, mesmerised, like I’m seeing Jack play for the first time.
“She gives herself so endlessly
Just like the waves of the sea,