Page 66 of Shane
Shane cocked his head at the very astute observation coming from a man on the other side of the country. “All I know is that I’ve seen some pretty whacked-out sickos overseas, and some of them were women. But I’m not getting that vibe from the Tuesday Smart traveling with us. I believe she’s innocent. That she’s exactly who she says she is, and you do, too, don’t you? That’s why you sent me and Everlee to track her down. You want us to prove you right and get to her before the FBI does.”
“No, I sent you and Everlee to protect a woman the media has slandered since the day this story bubbled to the surface of their alleged free-speech cesspool. Common people don’t stand a chance against the machine called free press these days.” Alex made‘press’sound like a dirty word. “Lawyers willing to fight that kind of slander cost money most common folks don’t have, damn it. I do. This is who we are, Shane. We fight for the little guys, understood?”
Shane smiled at the vehemence coming loud and clear through the connection. “I’d say‘yes, sir’, but you’d probably make me walk the plank, wouldn’t you?”You son of a bitchin’ Marine.
“Damned straight,” Alex growled.
And just like that, a faithful, devoted servant was born. Shane grinned, because that servant was him. He already knew Alex Stewart was one of those rare leaders who never sent his people into battle without proper equipment, intelligence, or air support. This was his way of flying cover. He might show up in person and lead when needed, but more often, he’d delegate with authority, and lead them in spirit. Shane knew he’d follow Alex Stewart into Hell and back.
“Hold on, Shane, ahh, yes. Here’s your answer, once and for all. Mother just informed me that the set of prints you just sent belong to the real Tuesday Smart. Mother validated them against Tuesday’s high school and college records. The woman with you is who she says she is.”
“So, why’d the FBI give us her location? Why’d they offload this particular operation to you? Why didn’t they track her down and arrest her themselves? They already knew where she lived. Why put all this work and rework on us, I mean, you?”
Alex cleared his throat. “They may or may not have known they gave up that information,” he deadpanned.
Which made Shane smile. “You hacked the FBI, didn’t you? You’re the reason they wanted a TEAM contract because you manipulated them into asking for help. Am I right?”How is that even possible?
“I will neither confirm nor deny. Let’s just say that Mother’s still accumulating all security footage and information on the woman in your custody,” Alex replied smugly.
Yup, the cocky bastard knew all along he’d sent Shane and Everlee to rescue the real Tuesday Smart.
Alex continued with, “Tuesday’s departures last year and this year were either from SeaTac in Washington or DFW in Dallas. Mother’s also tasked her overseas contacts to assist. So far, they’ve turned up sightings of the real Tuesday’s infils and exfils as far north as Canada, Norway, Russia, and Sweden. All from private, off-the-grid runways, flying into and out of the Arctic Circle. She’s been a busy woman, but we still may not find the person you believe is stalking her.”
“Someone waiting for her arrivals at stateside airports would make better sense. Not sure about those far north sightings,” Shane said. “Anyone going into those extreme places would have to be determined as hell. Does that sound like any black widow you’ve come across?”
“Never underestimate women. They’re smart, and they can be as cruel as any man. Ever hear of Catalina Montego? Ethel Durrant? Son of a bitchin’ Lucy Delaney?”
“Can’t say that I have,” Shane replied, not sure what those women had to do with Tuesday.
“Good,” was all the snarky comeback Alex offered. “What’s your plan going forward?”
Shane glanced down at the dead body at his knee. He’d been inside the silo. He’d found Everlee’s boots tossed aside in the dark, and he’d seen the evidence of her courageous escape. But he’d also seen blood spatter on the walls inside that wooden death chamber. Everlee was right. Others had surely died there. She would’ve been next if not for Mother’s astute tracking ability.
Shane’s first instinct was to burn the barn down, the dead assholes with it. Instead, his strong sense of justice prevailed. “The FBI needs to process this building, Alex. There’s DNA evidence all over the walls inside the silo. I’m positive others were murdered, maybe tortured, here. Their families deserve to know what happened to them.”
“Consider it done. What else?”
“I’m taking Everlee to a hospital.”Somehow.“She won’t like it, but she’s been through a ton of shit today. She needs to speak with a counselor and…” Shane paused. “I’ll need transportation to make that happen, but…”
There he stalled. There were two women counting on him, but he couldn’t take Everlee into a hospital without risking Tuesday’s freedom. Police officers tended to visit hospitals and emergency rooms. It’d only take one observant, conscientious officer or doctor to ruin everything. He changed his mind. “Never mind. I can’t risk Tuesday to save Everlee anymore than I can risk Everlee to save Tuesday. I’ll figure something out.”
“How? You have no car. You’re in the middle of nowhere.”
“Yeah, well…” Shane pinched the bridge of his nose, the firestorm beginning to rage in the very center of his skull. Which meant a migraine would soon dictate complete rest, total darkness, and a nearby bucket for projectile vomit. “I’ve been in worse situations. I’ll figure it out.”Somehow.
“You’re one stubborn son of a bitch, you know that?”
“Remind you of anyone?”Like you, you bastard?
“Stay where you are,” Alex growled. “The FBI won’t be there for hours even after I contact them. Keep the women hydrated and cool. You do the same. Help is on its way.”
“No,” Shane said firmly. “Ev and I started this. We’ll end it. We’ll be in touch.”
Silence. Then a curt, “Then I want a son of a bitchin’ sit rep every twenty-four hours.”
“Can do.” Shane ended the connection before Alex could give him more hell or force him to stand down. There was no way he’d hang around waiting to be saved. Marines were first in and last out. It was past time he proved he was just as tough as, maybe tougher than, his boss.
Shane recognized the differences in the women with him. Whereas at first glance, Tuesday seemed more timid and feminine, a people pleaser who wanted to be left alone, she was also resourceful, sincere, and loyal. She’d stayed with him after the crash and helped him until he was back on his feet. That spoke volumes. The woman had empathy. She cared about those two dead kids and their father, and she’d been authentically shocked at the way they’d been murdered. There was no disguising emotion like that.