Page 110 of End Game
“You were wearing the hoodie earlier.”
I’m surprised that he noticed, but then again, not. He notices everything about me.
Just like I notice everything about him.
“With the jersey on underneath.” I smile, rising on tiptoe. “You’re being silly.”
“Hey, I can’t help it that I like seeing you in my jersey. And for some reason, it looks especially good on you right now.” He dips his head, his mouth finding mine for a too-brief second before he ends it, turning his attention to his mother. “Ma, you look ready to cry.”
“Oh, my Nico.” Claudia’s face crumples, and he wraps her up in a comforting hug, kissing the top of her head.
“I’m fine,” he reassures her, his gaze finding mine once more. “They think it might be a slight concussion.”
My heart trips over itself at his revelation. “What does that mean?”
“I’ll need to take it easy for the rest of the weekend. They’ll monitor me, but I’ll probably be back to normal come Monday afternoon.” He smiles. “I’m fine. Really.”
“What happened out there?” Claudia asks.
“Not quite sure. That dude took me down, and it felt like my head rattled around in my helmet. I think I hit the ground just right, and I even blacked out for a few seconds.”
My God, this game is dangerous. Seeing him laid out on the field unmoving scared the crap out of me, and now he’s acting like it was no big deal.
“Oh my goodness, Nico. You blacked out?” His mother’s level of distress is at about a ten, which is where mine is after his explanations.
“I’m fine. It’s okay.” He gives her a one-armed hug before he lets her go and comes back to ...
My heart soars when he pulls me into his arms again, his mouth at my ear when he whispers, “Want to go to dinner with me and my mom?”
I pull away slightly to stare into his dark eyes. “I don’t want to impose. I’m sure your mom wants you all to herself.”
“It was her idea. She wants to get to know you better. You were all too preoccupied by the game.”
“Right, and then you got hurt.” I shove at him a little, unable to help myself, and I immediately regret it. “Are you okay?”
He puffs out his chest. “I’m fine. I promise.”
“You scared me.”
“If you’re going to be with me, Ever, prepare yourself. I’m going to scare you on a regular basis, especially if I keep playing football.” Hishopeful gaze touches something deep in me, and I realize that I have all the faith in this man.
He’s going pro. I just know he is.
“Are you sure it’s okay if I go to dinner with you two?” I seriously don’t want to interfere. They don’t see each other as much as they used to—Claudia told me this before the game started. He’s so busy with school and football, and she’s been busy with work. They’re very close, and she misses him terribly.
Direct quote.
“I want you there. She wants you there. You’re the two most important women in my life. What you two think about each other matters to me.” The sincerity in his eyes makes me swallow hard, and I’m mentally battling the emotions swirling within me.
“Okay. I’ll go,” I agree, blinking away the tears at his words.
I mean something to this man. And he means something to me.
I swear I’m the luckiest girl in the world.
Chapter Thirty-Six