Page 18 of End Game
“Nah. No one talks about me like they talk about you. It’s all that rizz you’ve got.” He’s smiling. Looking real pleased with himself for saying it too.
I roll my eyes. “Rizz. What the fuck ever.”
“It’s true and you know it. All the women go freaking crazy over you. All you gotta do is just stand there and smile that stupid smile of yours, and they lose it. Don’t know if you’ve noticed, but there are three women standing in the kitchen right now with my sister, and they all look like they’re barely holding back from launching themselves at you,” Coop says.
Oh shit.
As discreetly as possible I glance over at the kitchen, where I spot Sienna standing with the three other women, who are listening to her carry on about ... whatever. Every few seconds they glance in my direction. All three of them at various times. And all three of them look like they’re practically vibrating with excitement, which is ...
Kind of weird.
“No way,” I mutter when my gaze meets Coop’s once more, even though I know what he’s saying is true. “Maybe they want you.”
“Uh-uh. They didn’t start acting like that until you showed up.” Cooper leans over and bats the back of my head. “Which one you like the most?”
I don’t even look at them. “They’d all do.”
Cooper starts laughing. “You finally going to make that threesome rumor come true? Though if you like all of them, it’ll end up being a foursome.”
“Maybe.” I’m grinning. Chuckling. “Think I could convince them?”
“My guess is yes.”
This time I do glance over at them to find they’re all three blatantly staring at me. One of them even licks her juicy red lips. “Wonder if they’re into girl-on-girl action?”
I mean, that shit is hot. Again, I’ve never witnessed it live and with my own eyes, but I watch porn. Who doesn’t?
“To get into your bed? They’d probably be up for anything,” Coop drawls.
We’re laughing together, and I’m about to finish off the rest of the beer when I catch sight of our new roommate emerging from the hallway, her expression unsure. She’s even wringing her hands together like she’s nervous, and I wonder if this is going to be a problem. Us having our teammates over for a casual hangout.
I sure as hell hope not.
I let my gaze roam over her for a moment as she stands there, taking her in. Admiring the view, even though she’s obviously uncomfortable. If I was a nice guy, I’d run right over to her and introduce her to everyone.
But in this scenario, I’m not the nice guy. I’m the player. The manwhore.
The fuckboy.
I’ll leave all that simp-nice-boy action to Dollar, who’ll slobber all over her like an overeager puppy to the point that he’ll start to annoy her. Because that’s what he does.
That’s who he is.
And that’s not who I am.
“I’m going to go talk to the girls,” I tell Cooper as I rise to my feet. “Watch and learn.”
“Whatever, jackass,” he calls to me as I start for the kitchen.
I’m about to pass Everleigh, and for a second, I’m tempted to say something. Check on her. I may have been reluctant to have her as our roommate, but I can play nice. And I meant what I said about her using my stuff when she’s in the shower. She got herself into a shitty predicament, and I’m not a total asshole. I can be helpful when necessary.
But she’s not my responsibility.
The moment I open my mouth to say something to her, Dollar magically appears, stepping in between us and placing his hand on her arm.
“Want to meet everyone?” he asks her, steering her away from me.
“Sure,” she says, quickly glancing over her shoulder so that our gazes meet for the briefest moment.