Page 23 of End Game
By the time I’m done and heading back home, I end up driving around the neighborhood for almost thirty minutes before I find a parking spot—one that’s kind of far from the house, but I don’t really have a choice.
Living in Santa Mira is a lot more difficult than I expected it to be.
The walk back to our house is long, especially when lugging all my shopping bags and my backpack. Feeling bitter as I trudge up the path toward the front porch, I send a scathing look toward Nico’s pristine black truck sitting in the driveway. I wish he’d let me park there likehe did when my car window was broken, but I get it. He pays more in rent, and our schedules aren’t the same, so it would end up being a hassle, constantly moving our cars for each other.
Still hate having to park so far away, though.
The moment I walk inside the house, I spot Frank sitting on the couch, scrolling on his phone. His head pops up, a hopeful expression on his face when he sees me.
“Finally,” he says, like I’ve been gone for days. “I’m starving.”
I’ve made him dinner for the last three nights, which was our initial agreement, and I don’t want to deviate from it. “Hate to break it to you, but I’m not cooking tonight, Frank.”
“You’re not?” The disappointment is clear in his voice—the look on his face.
“Give her a break. She’s already sick of feeding your needy ass.” This comes from Nico, who exits the kitchen clutching a giant foil-wrapped burrito in his hand.
“Fuck off,” Frank mutters as he climbs off the couch, approaching me slowly. “You’re really not making dinner tonight, Everleigh?”
I slowly shake my head, offering him an apologetic smile. “The deal was three meals a week.”
“I didn’t expect those three days to go by so fast.” Frank pats his stomach.
“You’re whining, Dollar.” There’s a warning to Nico’s tone, one that surprises me. He sounds a little mean. I send him a questioning look, but he doesn’t even glance in my direction.
What in the world is going on? Is he actually trying to watch out for me?
“Yeah, yeah. I think I’m gonna go grab a sandwich from the shop across the street. You wanna go with me, Ever?”
“Thanks, but no. I already got something when I was out.” I offer him an apologetic smile, and his disappointment is clear.
I feel bad for lying. I’m starving. I just don’t want to go out with Frank. He reads into everything I do with him. Everything I say. Howam I supposed to blatantly tell him I’m not interested? It was one thing to break up with Brad. I knew him for a long time, and I wasn’t that scared to tell him we were through.
Letting down Frank is going to be difficult. But if he keeps pushing, I’m eventually going to have to do something about it.
I’m not looking forward to it.
Sienna was right. He’s nice enough, but he comes on way too strong and tries so, so hard to flirt with me. Act charming, though it’s not effortless for him. More like it’s a little off-putting, but I tolerate him because he’s harmless. Plus, he’s my roommate. I want to get along with all of them. Coop makes it easy. He’s kind, doesn’t talk much, and nothing seems to bother him.
Still a little unsure about Nico, though. We haven’t spent enough time together, which is fine with me. I find his face distracting.
“Ah, okay. Well, see you guys later.” He grabs his wallet from the table near the door and exits the house.
“Finally, some peace and quiet,” Nico says once Frank is gone, taking a big bite from his burrito. It looks delicious and my stomach growls. Hopefully he doesn’t hear it. “Doesn’t he drive you crazy? He acts like a sad puppy dog around you.”
“He’s okay.” I don’t want to say anything bad about Frank to Nico. He’s done the most for me out of the three of them, not that I’m judging them on that. It’s just facts. “He means well.”
“If you say so.” The doubt in Nico’s voice is obvious.
“Why do you live with him if you don’t like him?”
He appears taken aback by my question, blinking at me a couple of times before he answers. “I don’t dislike Dollar.”
“You talk about him like you do.”
“He’s cool. Pays his rent on time. Is solid out on the field. Mostly.” He grins.
I tear my gaze away from him, staring at a blank wall rather than falling into the trap that is his smile. Whereas Frank tries so damn hard, Nico doesn’t have to try at all, and I find myself drawn to him.