Page 10 of Rafael
Gisele smiled at the tall couple. Gerard the tallest of the team of men who called themselves the Bayou Brotherhood Protectors, stood several inches over six feet. Bernie was almost as tall at five feet ten.
“You’re too kind,” Gisele said. “But I need to be up early and ready for a shipment tomorrow morning. I’d rather be here.”
Shelby shook her head. “If you insist on staying in your own apartment, you need someone to stay with you.”
Rafael stepped forward. “I’ll stay.” His dark hair, dark eyes and incredibly handsome face were almost too much to resist.
Gisele’s breath caught and held for a moment. She could understand why Bianca had fallen for him so quickly. Her eyes narrowed. He had to know the effect he had on women and probably used it to hisadvantage to lure them into a giddy state, and then bam! One more notch to add to his bedpost.
Absolutely not.
“No, thank you,” she said, a little more forcefully than she’d intended, especially if she followed through on her promise to Bianca to serve hima little taste of his own medicine. She might still do it. How satisfying would it be to make him fall for her and then ditch him like he had ditched Bianca? She had to do it.
Just not that night. After being knocked on her backside, her tailbone hurt, and she was sure she’d be stiff and achy the following day.
“I’ll stay,” another man stepped forward and held out his hand. “We’ve not formally met. I’m Valentin Vachon.”
Out of habit, Gisele took his hand and gave it a brief shake before releasing it. “Nice to meet you.”
Valentin gave her a half-bow. “I’d happily stay down here in the shop overnight to make sure your intruder doesn’t return.”
Reach for the sky, Johnny squawked behind Valentin
Valentin’s hands shot into the air.
Laughter erupted from the other members of his team.
Valentin’s cheeks flushed a ruddy red as he lowered his hands and turned to face the macaw. “Quite a bird you have there.”
Gisele’s lips twitched. “He speaks his mind.”
“And bites,” Remy said with a grin. “I advise maintaining your distance.”
“Come on, big guy.” Shelby hooked Remy’s arm. “Let’s get you home to some antiseptic and a bandage.” She nodded toward Gisele. “Let one of the guys stay here tonight. They’re protectors. That’s what they do.”
Gisele’s brow dipped. “I can take care of myself.”
“That’s what I thought, too,” Shelby said. “Until I couldn’t. Remy helped me out of a tight spot. I might not have survived without him. If you don’t let someone stay the night for yourself, do it for me. I’ll sleep better knowing someone has your back.” She paused at the door to the shop. “Please.”
Gisele sighed. “Fine.” She pointed to Valentin. “He can stay down here. Johnny needs more protection than I do.”
“Just don’t stick your finger in his cage,” Remy said as Shelby shoved him through the door.
Rafael crossed his arms over his chest and stared down his nose at Valentin. “Aren’t you supposed to be out before dawn to help Shelby’s brother-in-law bring a new refrigerator unit up from New Orleans?”
Valentin grimaced. “Right. Maybe you could go with him instead of me?”
Rafael shook his head. “It’s your friend he’s buying that unit from, not mine.”
“I could arrange to do it another day,” Valentin suggested.
Alan Broussard’s Country Store was the closest grocery store in a thirty-mile radius of Bayou Mambaloa.
“If my memory serves me right, Alan has a refrigerator unit that’s been giving him fits. He needs a new one desperately.” Gisele shook her head. “You need to help get that unit installed sooner rather than later.”
Valentin sighed. “You’re right.” He clapped a hand on Rafael’s shoulder. “Which leaves my man Romero as your second-best choice for protection through the night. Still, better than no one.”
Rafael’s lips twisted. “Thanks.”