Page 42 of Rafael
Shelby consumed her cup of gumbo first and then dove into the basket of fried shrimp. “Help yourself. There’s enough here for two people.”
Gisele ate fried pickles and half of her salad, sipping on root beer while thinking about Rafael.
Occupied with eating for two, Shelby didn’t try to carry on a conversation until she’d satisfied her appetite and sat back, rubbing her stomach. “Better,”she said, her gaze going to Gisele’s relatively untouched salad. “What’s wrong?”
Gisele met Shelby’s intense gaze with a cocked eyebrow. “Who says anything is wrong?”
Shelby waved a hand toward Gisele’s salad. “You haven’t eaten enough to keep your bird alive. Is something bothering you?” She laid down her fork and leaned forward. “I’m here. Talk.”
When Gisele hesitated, Shelby’s brow dipped low. “Is it Rafael? Are you having sex with him?”
Gisele gasped. “Shelby.” She glanced around the bar and grill. Typical of Shelby, she didn’t mince words. Instead, she went straight to the heart. “Seriously?” Gisele lowered her voice to a whisper. “You’re going to broadcast my love life, or lack of one, in a crowded room?”
“I didn’t broadcast. I asked a question in a normal tone of voice.” She pointed a finger at Gisele. “You didn’t answer.” Her eyes narrowed and then widened. “Youarehaving sex with him. I knew it. I told Remy to warn him off you. Rafael is not the man for you.”
Gisele sat back in her seat. “Since when do you make decisions about the men I sleep with?”
Shelby crossed her arms over her chest. “Since you came back to Bayou Mambaloa with your tail between your legs, all butt hurt because some asshole broke your heart.”
“I didn’t come back to Bayou Mambaloa because of a broken heart. I came back because I wanted tocome back where I had friends and family I could trust.” Gisele glared at one of those friends. “At least, I thought I could trust them. Now, here you are telling me who I can date or not date.” She lifted her chin. And why shouldn’t I date Rafael?”
“We were talking about sleeping with him. Trust me. He’s not the guy for you.” Shelby’s expression softened. “He’s vowed never to marry or commit to a woman. The man goes out with a girl a couple of times and then moves on to his next conquest.”
“So?” Gisele said. “Who said I was looking for a ring? I like being single. I don’t have to pick up after or cook for anyone else. I set my own schedule without having to consult or compromise. I like my life.”
“Then why the interest in Rafael?” Shelby asked.
Gisele raised her hands, palms up. “Why not? If he’s not into marriage and signing up for the long haul...good. Neither am I. Not everyone lucks into the kind of love you and Remy share. I’m not pining over the fact I don’t have someone who worships the ground I walk on. Why is it so hard to believe I’m happy with my life? I’m happy, damn it.”
Shelby frowned, “If you’re so happy, why are you so insistent you’re happy? It’s like you’re trying to convince yourself.”
Gisele rolled her head back and stared at the ceiling for a second before turning her gaze back on her friend. “I’m fine. I learned a valuable lesson thefirst time around. Never relinquish control of your heart to anyone.”
“I just don’t want you hurt again,” Shelby said, her eyes filling with tears. She brushed them away, muttering, “Damned hormones.”
Gisele reached across the table and took Shelby’s hand. “I appreciate that you want to protect me, but you can’t tell me who I can and can’t see or sleep with. I’m a grown woman. I can make my own decisions and my own mistakes. That’s how we learn.”
“He won’t stay,” Shelby repeated.
“So what?” Gisele said. “Maybe I’ll be the one to leave him with a broken heart. Would you be as concerned for him?”
Shelby stared into Gisele’s eyes for a long moment. “Be careful, Gisele. I love you like a sister. Rafael’s not a bad man. He’s actually very funny, nice and good at what he does. He’s completely loyal to his team and would do anything for them.”
“Sounds perfect,” Gisele said.
“It’s his track record with women that’s abysmal. Gisele, don’t become another notch on his bedpost.” She sat back and let out a sigh. “Whew. That was hard. I’m not all that good at this touchy-feely stuff. It takes a lot out of me.”
It was taking a lot out of Gisele, as well.
Shelby gave her a tight smile. “Now that I’ve got that off my chest, have you tasted the peach cobbler?Want to share an order and save me from eating the whole piece by myself?”
Gisele shook her head. “Not me. I’m not really hungry.”
Shelby nodded. “I really don’t need cobbler, either.” She smothered a yawn. “What I do need is to go to bed. I got up for the early shift this morning. I’m tired.”
“Me, too,” Gisele said.
“Would it hurt your feelings if we called it a night?” Shelby yawned again. “Girl time isn’t what it used to be, is it? How did we ever stay up all night giggling?”