Page 5 of Rafael
Gisele’s eyes flashed in their dark depths. “You’re a beast to manhandle a woman like that.”
“Manhandle…?” He stared at Gisele, grasping for a response to her outrageous accusation. “Shewouldn’t leavemealone,” he protested.
“You expect me to believe that?” Gisele snorted. “You’re twice her size.”
“She’s like an octo—” Rafael shook his head. “Never mind. Just keep her away from me.”
“I loved him.” Bianca burst into tears, sobbing loudly.
Passing people stopped, stared and frowned at Rafael.
“Oh, for crying out loud.” No matter what he said, no one would believe him over a crying woman. He turned to the people standing around. “I didn’t hurt her. I don’t hurt women.”
Several men crossed their arms over their chests and glared.
“I don’t,” Rafael insisted to no avail. “Fine. I’m leaving. Show’s over.” He stalked away, at firstheading toward the boarding house he’d vacate the next morning. He’d be moving to the apartment next door to Bianca’s cousin. The one woman in town he was even marginally interested in.
Oh, well. That ship had sailed.
At least he’d have an apartment of his own where he might get some peace and quiet so he could decide whether he would stay in Bayou Mambaloa with the Bayou Brotherhood Protectors or move on to someplace where the residents weren’t crazy.
The thought of going back to the boarding house lost its appeal. The entire team was at the festival. He’d be damned if he let Bianca and Gisele shame him into leaving early. Hadn’t he told Bianca he was spending the evening with his team? If he left now, it would appear to be an admission of guilt. Guilt over what?
He’d done nothing wrong.
Sometimes, his good looks were more of a curse than a blessing.
Instead of going back to the boarding house, Rafael marched through the crowd to the stands where his friends had found seats and were enjoying the music. He’d enjoy the music as well, even if it killed him.
Gisele sether cousin at arm’s length. “Did he hurt you? Did he break anything?”
Bianca sniffed loudly and rubbed her wrists. “He broke my heart,” she said and started sobbing all over again. “I—” sniff “loved him.”
Gisele pulled her close again, hugged her briefly and pushed her away again. “Well, he doesn’t love you. Nor does he deserve you. You can find better.”
“But I love him,” Bianca sobbed. “I know if he’d just give me a chance, he’d see that he loves me, too.”
“Honey.” Gisele tipped her cousin’s chin up, wondering how such a lovely girl could be so gullible and blind. “If he doesn’t love you now, he won’t love you even if he gives you the chance to make him fall in love with you. He’s a heartless beast who needs to be taught a lesson in love.”
Bianca blinked her pretty blue eyes. “Lesson?”
Gisele nodded. “A man shouldn’t play with the emotions of a woman. What if he had the tables turned on them?”
“What do you mean?”
“What if a woman managed to make him fall in love with her and then dumped him like he dumped you?”
Bianca’s brow knitted. “I don’t want to make him fall in love with me so that I can dump him. I want him to love me like I love him.”
Gisele sighed. “He’s already told you he isn’t interested. You’d be wasting your time. He shouldn’t make a sweet young thing like you fall for him only to take advantage of you and then walk away whenhe’s bored. What he needs is a little taste of his own medicine.” Gisele’s eyes narrowed. “I’ve a mind to give him a heaping dose of comeuppance.”
Bianca touched her arm. “Gisele, that’s not necessary. I wouldn’t want him hurt or anything.”
“Oh, I wouldn’t hurt him physically. I’d just give him a taste of humility.” Gisele tapped a finger to her chin.
Bianca’s eyes widened. “Would you use a love potion on him? Because if you could get him to fall for you with a potion, why not let me have the option to use it on him?”
Gisele shook her head. “Potions only work where there’s real potential for two people to fall in love. It helps them get out of their own way and be open to the other person. Too often, people come to me for love potions and then complain when they don’t work. There has to be something there to begin with. Voodoo spells and charms aren’t completely foolproof or magic. They just help enhance the magic inherent in each person to blossom and shine through.”