Page 114 of Shadow Kissed
“Nonsense,” Saveya protests. “Being late enables us to make a grand entrance and ensure everyone notices us.”
“Darling.” Tyria grins. “Have you seen how delicious we all look? Trust me, every set of male eyes will be upon us when we enter that room.”
However, when we walk through those doors a few minutes later, there’s only one set of eyes I want to feel on me, and I search the busy ballroom for him after they announce us. My eyes scan the crowd until I feel that familiar tingle at my wrist. It’s like time stands still when I find him across the room. He drinks me in from head to toe, swallowing deeply, his eyes burning with desire. Raegal, of course, is the epitome of male beauty and masculinity in his military dress uniform, with an array of medals pinned to his jacket pocket. My heart pounds inmy chest and I fight the urge to go straight to him, and instead I allow Saveya to tug me along in the opposite direction.
“Ladies, you all are shining tributes to the staff and I tonight,” Moryen says as she walks over, and her assessing eyes fall upon each of us. She wears the navy and gold colours of her realm in a silk gown that clings to her hips and swirls out into a fishtail skirt. “Best behaviour tonight,” she adds, and I roll my eyes when she focuses her stare my way. “Eretreya, if I could request a moment of your time.”
Saveya clears her throat and, giving me wide eyes, informs me they will be over by the banquet table. I watch them leave, wishing they weren’t leaving me alone with her, before I straighten and plaster on my best smile.
“I just wanted to say that since you came to the mansion, you have perhaps changed the most out of all my girls. I thought you were a lost cause when you first arrived with your insistence on wearing trousers all the time and your inability to keep your opinions to yourself, but you have proven me wrong. You worked hard at your classes and, well, I hope whichever shadow male chooses you at the ceremony knows what a force of nature he has the honour to call his wife.” She leans into my ear. “Don’t let anyone ever dull that fire in you, young lady.” She winks at me and then walks away, leaving me gob smacked and lost for words. I grab a drink from a passing server and take a large sip. Well, I certainly wasn’t expecting that. Guilt slithers through me at the knowledge that the only reason I began to make an effort is because I need to get into the top five, so that I can stick a dagger into the heart of their precious prince and heir.
“Excuse me, but may I have the honour of your first dance?”
I smile. I’d know that voice anywhere. I turn to find him standing before me. Gods, up close, he looks even better. I drinkhim in from head to toe, and the moment our eyes meet I instantly forget there’s anyone else in the room.
He fights a smirk and leans in to kiss my cheek. “You look ravishing, Terror. And that dress. It is perfect for you. If I had my way, I’d be stripping you out of it right now and showing you just how much I want to worship that delectable body it covers.”
My breath quickens at his words, and I smile politely at a dignitary and his wife as they pass us and raise their glass in greeting. I yearn to reach out and touch him and tell him I’d like nothing more than for him to whisk me away and do exactly as he promised.
“Lord Commander, you shock me with your wicked words. According to Moryen, I’m almost passable as a lady now.”
He chuckles in my ear as he pulls away, and it sends shivers of anticipation down my spine. “Thank you for the dress and the jewellery,” I say, my hand touching at my neck to check the new crystal necklace is still there.
“You’re welcome. I am just sorry I couldn’t find your mother’s pendant, but I had this specially made to incorporate both amethyst and obsidian just as the one your mother gave you did, to hopefully lessen the loss” he says sincerely. The orchestra starts up a lively tune in the background and Raegal bows his head and offers out his hand. “Shall we?”
I slip my hand into his and his touch sends a flurry of excitement through my body as we make our way to the dancefloor. There are a lot more Shadow Borne here tonight, and I can’t help but wonder if any of them are going to be choosing wives at the reaping. Raegal places his hand at my waist and takes my other hand in his and we move across the floor. This time, I don’t make a single misstep, and I don’t constantly need to look down at my feet. Raegal grins at me. “I must commend you on your dancing skills. You must have an excellent teacher.”
“Oh, he’s a tyrant, but he was successful in his attempts to make an adequate dancer out of me.” We both smile knowingly at each other. Without Raegal, I would have been a disaster tonight.
“Raegal, will you choose me at the ceremony?” I ask him. The question has been gnawing at me for days now. I realise that the thought of anyone else—a stranger—choosing me, leaves me feeling nauseous.
“Do you want me to choose you, Terror?” he asks, his silver-grey eyes burning into mine and setting my soul aflame.
I swallow. There is no point denying it. I want this man and if for any reason I don’t escape at the reaping ceremony and I must give my soul to the Shadow Realm, then I’d rather it be his bed I wake up in each morning. “Yes, yes, I do.”
He breaks out into a beaming smile. One that makes my heart quicken. “Eretreya, do you honestly think I’d allow any other man to claim you? You are mine. I don’t deserve you. I certainly don’t deserve a true blessed mate after the terrible sins I have committed, but I can’t walk away from you…ever.” I watch as a flicker of pain passes over his face when he talks about his terrible sins, and I know he is referencing his brother.
“Raegal, you did not kill your brother. You cannot hold yourself responsible for his death. You are allowed to live and enjoy life. I’m sure if he was able to, he would tell you he wants you to experience the very best of life. Forgive yourself, because I am sure he has already forgiven you.”
I watch his conflicted face. He carries so much guilt and regret for what happened to his brother. “You were children. You could never have known that the choices made would lead to his death; whether it was because of your jealousy or not.”
He swallows deeply and glances around the room. As the song ends, he tucks my arm into the crook of his and weaves us through the crowd and out through a side door into the gardens.I allow him to pull me along as he takes us down a path that leads to a walled garden.
“Raegal, where are we-”
He pins me up against the wall and capturing the back of my neck with his hands; he places his lips on mine and kisses me with such passion and need. I moan into the kiss and kiss him back, pressing my hands to his chest and feeling his heart pounding against his rib cage.
“Gods, woman. You will be the death of me. You make me want that life you say I deserve,” he confesses between kisses.
“You deserve it. I was wrong, so wrong, Raegal. You are a good man. You saved me so many times. I wanted to hate you, but you have made it impossible,” I say, returning his kisses with equal fervour.
“Come on, this way.” We both jerk apart as Saveya and Eryx come running around the corner, kissing and giggling like two carefree lovers. Everyone stills as we all take in each other and the uncompromising situation we find ourselves. Saveya stares at me with wide eyes as she untangles herself from Eryx and the reality of this situation hits home. Eryx's eyes flit wildly between Saveya and Raegal.
“What is this?” Raegal demands, stepping forward with his shadows leaking from his hands.
I jump in front of him and place my hand on his chest. “Raegal, just hold up. Let’s not jump to conclusions here.”