Page 30 of Shadow Kissed
He chuckles and shakes his head. “I mean no disrespect, Reya. I’m under my Lord Commander’s orders to protect you. Don’t worry, I’ll stand a discreet distance and give you privacy.”
I shake my head. “I don’t need protection. I can look after myself.”
Jasiel smiles at me again. “Your safety is of utmost importance, Reya. You are a chosen one, and that makes you very important to me and my people.”
There it is again. The stark reminder of who and what I am. A sacrifice. I grumble a thank you and stride off ahead of him. God-damn Shadow Borne. I relieve my bladder and when I stride back out and find Jasiel; he is singing a joyful tune to himself.
“What’s making you so cheerful?” I ask him curiously.
He pauses in his humming as his eyes fall on me. “The promise of Brinwood’s ale and it’s welcoming women.”
I flush when he winks at me, knowing full well he’s referring to the pleasure of bedding one. “I take it you don’t have a wife either?”
He chuckles and shakes his head. “Not yet. I feel the time is coming for me to take a mate soon, though.”
“Mate. We don’t use that term here. Is it similar to what marriage means to us?”
Jasiel bobs his head and ponders my question. “Yes, but a true blessed mate differs from taking a wife. A true blessed mate is someone that your soul recognises as theirs and theirs alone. You will want no other and would burn down worlds to reach them.”
I nod my head, arching a brow. “Sounds intense. How do you know when you’ve found your mate?” I ask him, intrigued.
“Oh, you know. You feel a pull towards that person like no other. You constantly want to be close to them, touch them and have this fierce need to protect them and claim them.”
“Do mates ever exist from different realms?”
He cocks his head and studies me, fighting a smile. “Why do you ask?”
I bob my shoulders nonchalantly. “I’m just curious. Your kind are somewhat of an enigma, even though you have been in our realm for many years now, most of us know very little about you.”
We reach the warmth of the fire and the large cauldron of broth heating over it. “In answer to your question, yes. Mates can occur from different realms, but it’s rare.”
My eyes widen at this news. “Have you ever encountered any of the Night Borne?”
He smiles sadly. “Unfortunately, no. I only know the stories.” He gestures to the fire. “Get some rest and enjoy the broth. We have another few hours of travel ahead of us.” I take a seat beside the fire and watch as he strides off into camp, barking orders tohis troop. The tiny black scar on my wrist tingles and I scan the area, somehow knowing he is close. He’s leaning against a large roe tree, a bronze tankard in his hand, his brow furrowed in a deep frown, watching me. My mother’s words repeat in my head.
“Stay away from those filthy Shadow Bloods.”
I shudder and rub at the tiny mark on my wrist. When I lift my eyes, he’s gone.
We arrive at Brinwood in the late afternoon, and the warmth of the sun is fading. I eagerly take in the sights of the town as we travel through the gates and within its protective walls, deep into the heart of the bustling town.
“It’s so much bigger than Terleigh,” I say, straining my head to look beyond the market square.
“Your town is tiny in comparison. There are around two thousand residents here,” Raegal informs me as we come to a stop outside a lively-looking inn. He halts his mare and swings down to his feet, placing his hands at my waist and lifts me down. “We’ll stay here for the night and travel again tomorrow.” He clears his throat and looks at the inn. “It gets rowdy here at night. You might want to keep to the sanctuary of the bedroom.”
I snicker, and this earns me a questioning arch of his brow. “I worked in an inn. Trust me, I’ve seen plenty.”
He doesn’t get the chance to reply as a large man with a large round belly bursts through the inn doors and claps his hands together. “Lord Commander! We are honoured to have you staywith us,” he exclaims as he reaches out for Raegal’s hands and firmly shakes it.
“My troops will set up camp behind the inn. We are grateful for your hospitality. Where is your chief?”
The man nods his head enthusiastically. “He is caught up in a meeting, but he will be here to greet you soon.”
Raegal nods his head and glances back my way. “Do you have a handmaid available who can escort Miss Lockwood to my room and prepare a bath for her?”