Page 32 of Shadow Kissed
Nyra scrunches up her nose and looks behind her. “You mean the Lord Commander? No, Miss, he has gone to join the others downstairs for feasting and ale.” She walks across the tiled floor and picks up my black corset. “Let’s get you dressed, shall we?”
Relieved to know he isn’t in the next room; I get to my feet and allow Nyra to pull the corset around me and fasten up the ribbons that hold it together. “I’ve brought your food up and a glass of mead.”
“A glass?” I frown. I needed more than a damn glass tonight if I had to deal with him again later. “You can fetch me a jug up please once I’m dressed.”
Nyra grimaces and looks away from me. “Pardon me, miss, but the commander said you were to be given one drink of ale.”
My eyes narrow at her words, and I place my hands on my hips. “Oh, he did, did he? Well, I’ll be the one who decides how much I have to drink. I’m a grown woman and he doesn’t ownme!” Nyra takes a step back and looks at me wide-eyed. “I’m not mad at you, Nyra, just that overbearing brute thinking he can tell me what to do.”
Nyra sighs. “He is a sight to behold.” I cock a brow in response, and she reddens in her cheeks. “Pardon me, miss, but he is very handsome.”
“Handsome or not,” I grumble, “he’s still a controlling pain in my arse. I think I’ll go down for food and mead tonight, Nyra.” If he thinks I’m going to stay up here like a good little Asen he has another thing coming!
Taking the stairs down to the main parlour of the inn, I find it filled with a bustling crowd. A man plays a flute over by the window and another man beside him sings a cheery song about our goddess, Gaia. I notice there are a lot of women in here tonight. I wonder where Arkynn is? I haven’t seen him since we left Terleigh. No doubt when we travelled here, he was somewhere at the back of the travelling procession with the other new Asen recruits. I miss my friend, but there’s no point in dwelling on what we have lost. He made his choice, and it has made things between us irreparable. I scan the crowds and my eyes find Jasiel first. He’s sitting at the centre of one of the long tables, a large tankard of krim in his hand and a buxom black-haired beauty sitting on his knee. I scan the room again and come up surprised when I don’t spot the haughty lord commander anywhere.
I walk to the bar and order a large tankard of krim from the server. She pauses when she takes in my eyes, and I see the moment she realises what I am.
“It would be an honour to serve you, miss,” she says, bobbing her head at me like I’m royalty, before hurrying off to pour my drink.
“What part of my suggestion to rest in our room did you not hear?” Two arms appear either side of me and I’m surrounded by the scent of leather and musk.
“The same part that doesn’t have to do as you command. I’m not one of your soldiers, Lord Commander.”
“Of that, I’m well aware. My soldiers rarely make me want to throttle or spank them.”
I spin on my heels, facing him, and instantly regret my decision as it brings me inches from him. “I didn’t realise you were into kinky stuff, Lord Commander. I’m afraid if you have an itch that needs scratching, you might have to lower yourself to choosing a lowly Asen female. There don’t appear to be many shadow females here.”
“Miss,” The server behind me attempts to get my attention. Without taking my eyes off the brooding man in front of me, I reach out my hand behind me and she pushes the tankard into it.
I lift it to my lips and, smiling; I take a long drink, sighing when I have finished and wiping the back of my hand. “Ahh.”
I jolt in surprise when he reaches out and wipes his thumb over the corner of my mouth, wiping away some froth off with his finger. He lifts it to it his mouth and sucks it off his thumb. My eyes trail his every move. “You don’t behave very ladylike.”
“I’ve never pretended to be a lady. I prefer swords to dresses, and daggers to flowers.”
I don’t miss how his gaze snakes down my body and lands on the small dagger tucked in the top of my right boot.
“Raegal, you’re here.” Jasiel comes up behind him and slaps him on the back, draping his arm over his shoulder. “Come join us.” Jasiel grins down at me. “Reya. What have you done to upset him now?”
I smile up at Jasiel before returning to scowl at his superior. “Apparently, I should be more ladylike and remain in my bedroom.”
Jasiel grins in response. “Is that so? What and miss out on all the fun!”
“Exactly,” I reply. “It seems the Lord Commander doesn’t believe in fun.”
“Come join us. Have you ever played Trellim before?”
I snort in response. Have I ever played? I worked in an inn.
“I’m not sure I have,” I reply, shaking my head. Jasiel grins rubbing his hands together, before pulling Raegal away from me towards their table. “Even better, I can teach you how to win.”
After a few tankards of krim and mead and three games of Trellim later, I find myself several drecks richer. Jasiel eyes me from across the table. “Are you sure you’ve never played before?”
“Here’s a lesson for you, Jasiel. Never make assumptions about a woman. I’ll give you one last chance to beat me,” I offer, waggling my brows at him.
“I’m done for the night. You have cleaned me out, Reya.” He sighs, downing the last of his krim. He pulls the dark-haired woman who has been flirting with him all night under his arm. “What say we head to my room?” She grins in response, and he winks at me. “Sleep well.”
I snort in response.