Page 43 of Shadow Kissed
Jasiel chuckles, glancing at my hands and the shadows that leak and trail after Arkynn. “You sure about that?”
Growling, I pull them back even though they fight me every step of the way. “Let’s get that drink.”
Five minutes later, we’re sitting in a quiet part of the local inn with a tankard of krim in our hands. Asen ale is nowhere near as potent as our own, but beggars can’t be choosers.
“Talk to me,” Jasiel says, leaning back in his seat and resting his arm over the back of his chair.
“I don’t know what to do, Jasiel.” I sigh, resting my forehead on my conjoined hands. “What is this? I’ve never had to fight my shadows the way I do when she’s around. They crave her closeness. Whisper at me to take to her, to mark her, to make her ours.”
Jasiel nearly coughs up his beer. “That sounds like more than plain old lust, my friend. It almost sounds as if you want to keep her.”
“Yes, no, gods only know,” I debate, slamming my tankard down on the table and nearly breaking it in two. “She’s irritating as fuck. She fights me over everything, never stops with her questions.”
“So, claim her. Mark her. Bed her. Take her as your own. Your father will be delighted.” Jasiel grins at me, and I scowl in response.
“This isn’t a laughing matter,” I say with a growl, staring into my now empty tankard.
“Oh, my friend, but it is. You who swore you’d never touch an Asen woman, pining after one and needing to mate with her. It’s the very epitome of irony.”
“Fuck you,” I bark, and he laughs in response and whistles for the serving girl to refill our tankards.
“I need to get this need out my system.” I groan, leaning back in my seat and looking heavenward.
“So, do it.” Jasiel gestures across the inn at a buxom Asen girl who is eyeing me like I’m her favourite dessert. “Perhaps youjust need a good lay and then you’ll be okay. Maybe it isn’t about her specifically. I mean, Raegal, when did you last spill your seed in a woman?”
He has a point. I haven’t fucked since we arrived back in this crystal sparkling fucking realm. My hand has been my only release. I knock back a large swig of my ale. “You’re right. An Asen wench will have to do.” I get to my feet and stalk over to the female, who grins wider when she sees me coming her way.
“Hey handsome.”
“Upstairs, now,” I order her as I stride up the stairs. She follows behind me, trying to keep up. I throw open the door to Jasiel’s room and, grabbing her wrist, I pull her inside, close the door, and push her up against it.
“Someone’s eager. It’s okay. I can give you what you need.” She reaches out, stroking my cock through my trousers. “You are a big boy, aren’t you? Are you going to make me scream?”
I grab at her chin. “Stop talking and spread your legs.”
Her eyes flash with want, and I can smell her heat from here. She reaches for my trousers and unbuttons them. This isn’t what I want.
“Fuck!” I growl, whirling around and throwing a chair at the far wall. The wench behind me screams as it splinters into tiny pieces across the floor. “Out! Now!”
She doesn’t need telling twice. She’s quick to leave. I look down at my unbuttoned trousers. My shadows whisper at me to go to her, to find her. We find ourselves bewitched by an Asen with dark violet eyes that look at me with nothing but venom and distrust.
Ipull at the floaty sleeve of the dress I have no choice but to wear. The soft fabric swishes against my ankles as I descend the stairs of the mansion. I’m still annoyed that someone took my trousers and bodices from my room. And don’t get me started on these blasted slipper shoes on my feet. I almost make it to the last step before I lose my footing and trip over the damn hem for about the fifth time today. I’m going to face plant the floor with a crack. Two arms catch me and stop my fall and I gaze up into the pale grey eyes of the man who stripped me of my clothes this morning.
“These damned dresses!” I moan, moving out of his arms the minute my feet hit solid ground again. “I can’t stand them.”
I look up to find him leaning an elbow on the stair’s balustrade with an amused smirk on his perfect face. I scowl at him. “I’m glad you find this amusing!”
“Oh, I do. Most women would be thrilled to possess a wardrobe filled with the finest dresses money can buy.”
I narrow my gaze at him. “Well, I’m not like most women, am I?”
He frowns, studying me. “No, you’re not.”
I bend down and reach for the hem of the dress and grip it between my two hands.