Page 51 of Shadow Kissed
It’s my turn to roll my eyes. I’m formulating a witty response in my head when I catch his expression. He’s genuinely concerned. “Why wouldn’t I be safe here?”
He doesn’t answer me. Releasing me, he turns back towards Jasiel. “I’ll take her back to the mansion,” Jasiel says, taking my dress from him. “Colonel Graybane Is looking for you.”
I don’t miss the look that passes between them. Whatever Colonel Graybane needs him for, it’s something important. “Make sure you sneak her back in. I don’t need Moryen on my case.”
Jasiel nods and we both watch Raegal as he strides out of the ring. His shadows leak out at his feet and move to come back towards us, and I watch his hand clench at his side, and they retreat and circle around his feet.
“Your shadows, are they a separate entity, or are you one and the same?” I ask Jasiel, whilst I still stare after the commander.
“They are a part of us, just like your soul is, but they can sometimes have a will of their own.” Jasiel offers me the dress and I snicker and shake my head. “Burn it for all I care.” I head towards the exit and chuckling; Jasiel falls in step beside me, bringing my discarded dress with him.
“How are you settling into the valley?” he asks me, glancing up at the beaming red sun and closing his eyes. “I’ve missed being here.”
He opens his eyes to find me studying him. “The onyx,” he explains. “When we travel, we can only carry small amounts with us. Being here surrounded by all this, it’s energising.”
I nod my head, thinking. “So, I’m thinking of a drink before we head back to the mansion?” I ask him with a furtive and hopeful glance.
“Are you trying to get me fired, Asen?” he queries with a tilted grin.
I guffaw. “Like he would ever fire you. He’s told me how close you are. That you grew up together.”
Jasiel blinks. “He did, huh? Raegal isn’t one for sharing.” He nudges me playfully. “It must be that Asen feminine charm of yours.”
“Not likely,” I snicker. “He hates Asen’s as much as I hate your kind.” I grimace and curse myself when I see Jasiel’s warm, teasing smile disappear.
“Why do you hate our kind so much? If you don’t mind my asking.”
I concentrate my gaze out across the valley and chew on my lip. “Honestly?” He nods.
“The mining accident in Terleigh when I was twelve. It claimed the lives of a lot of men from our town. Good men with wives and children. There had been concerns raised about the depth they were mining to, but it fell on death ears with the mine supervisors. The demand from your kind to keep mining was the reason they were going so deep, but no one would listen.
“I grew up without a father because of your kind’s constant greed for more and more crystal supplies.” I kick at the dirt, letting that anger consume me once again. “And then there’s all the young men that march off to fight in your war. The ones thatnever make it back home. They die fighting for a cause that isn’t their own. And why? Because you dangle the promise of a better life for their families.”
Jasiel, having listened quietly, and without interruptions, continues to study me as we walk. “I can see why we might not be popular, but the decisions about the mines lie with the chiefs of each town. We ask for a certain amount for each turn of the seasons. So, if your chief was mining in excess, then it was through his own greed to sell it on the black market.”
I frown. “You expect me to believe that our town’s chief was responsible for the loss of so many?”
Jasiel gives me a poignant look and shrugs his shoulder. “Isn’t it much easier to blame others than to accept responsibility for your own actions? I’m not saying everything we have done during our time here on Asen has been without consequence, but we’re not the bad guys the rumours make us out to be. Do you know how much helping your crops to prosper costs us? You seem to think we can just make your crops grow with ease. We can’t. It takes vast amounts of magic.”
Jasiel comes to a stop, and I glance around realising we are standing just beyond the grounds of the mansion. I didn’t realise how far we walked, being so engrossed in our conversation.
“Want a peg up?” he asks with a grin, glancing up at the wall. I scoff and shake my head at him as I take a running leap and grasp onto the top of the black brick wall that surrounds the mansion. “Oh, and Reya.” I pause as I am about to disappear over the other side of the wall. “When you can get Raegal to the ground during sparring, then I’ll treat you to a krim at the alehouse.”
I roll my eyes as he turns on his feet and heads back the way we came. I drop to the ground and quickly check across the vast gardens to make sure none of the groundsmen are around. I smile to myself as I head back towards the mansion, keepingdeep within the treeline. As much as I hate him, I enjoyed this afternoon. I felt alive. My stomach sinks at the thought of my life being one of a wife and breeder. I want more. I want adventure and action. I haven’t seen all the amazing places that Asen has to offer. The breath-taking waterfalls of Halomere, and the sandy beach at Dewsburn. Until I came here, I’d never travelled farther than the neighbouring towns and villages near Terleigh. I wanted to explore and see all the hidden beauties of Asen.
I make it back to my room without being spotted and I release a breath of relief.
“Holy Mother of Crystals!” I yell, jumping back in fright to find a grinning Saveya. She was hiding behind my door when I entered. “You scared the crap out of me! How long have you been hiding out here?”
She chuckles and gestures to the window. “I was looking out of my bedroom window when I saw you sneak back in.” She grabs hold of my hand and tugs me towards the black velvet chaise lounge in my room. “Tell me everything! Did he take his tunic off? I bet he is a sight to behold! Did the two of you get up close and personal during sparring?”
I shake my head at her. I mean, she isn’t wrong. “You are ridiculous,” I say with a light-hearted laugh. “We sparred. He got me to the ground every time, but…” I grin, waggling my brows. “I did at least get one hit in.”
Saveya frown and waves her hands at me. “I’m not interested in your fighting technique. What does he smell like?” She sighs and takes in a deep inhale. “I bet he smells of leather and strength.”
“I wasn’t aware strength had a smell. Besides, he smells of leather and musk.” I realise my mistake the minute she grabs hold of my hands and squeals with excitement. “I knew you’d smelt him!”