Page 57 of Shadow Kissed
I dip my head down further when he references the new spy. Was he talking about me or Arkynn? I notice a few people glance our way, probably noticing I am new, but I glance over at Arkynn, who doesn’t seem concerned.
The meeting focuses on gathering supplies and recruiting new, trustworthy members. One man queries if the rebellion has the funds needed to have any success and Corlan informs them they have a very wealthy backer who is funding weapons and monies to support the cause. This piques my attention. Who could the wealthy backer be?
The meeting eventually draws to a close and as people leave, I expect Arkynn to tell me we’re heading out, but he leans against the wall and sips his krim. He nods his head to two men as they pass us. In the end, only us, Corlan, and one other man are left in the room. Corlan strides over to us an eager and excited expression on his face.
“Is this her?” he asks, bending his head to catch a glimpse of my face as he approaches.
Arkynn nods his head, “It’s okay Reya, you can remove your hat. You’re safe with these two.”
Trusting Arkynn’s judgement, I raise my head and slip the hat off, revealing my face and the knot of blonde hair tied atop of my head.
“Well, I’ll be damned,” Corlan says, coming up to me and gripping my hand in a firm and enthusiastic shake. “We’ve heard a lot about you. I’m Corlan and this is Izan, my second in command. We run the rebel group here in Hestwalde.”
My eyes flit to the other man. He’s slightly older, with a stocky build and a receding hairline and dark skin. He nods his head in greeting and smiles.
“Reya,” I reply with a hesitant smile.
“Please sit, let’s talk,” Corlan says, pulling up a wooden stool and gesturing for us to sit on the two stools near to us. “So, Reya. I hear you are staying at the mansion with another Shadow Kissed?”
I nod my head. “That’s correct. Because of the mutt attack on our village, I had to leave for the valley early. The Lord Commander brought me here himself.”
Corlan nods, listening, and stroking at his chin. “I heard he brought you here by shadow weave and that he dines at the mansion most night?”
“He has. One night, one or two of the generals and captains also join us.”
He nods again. “We need you to be our eyes and ears, Reya. Anything you hear about the mines, supplies, strategy, anything. Even if you think something isn’t useful information, tell us. You’d be surprised. Now, I know it will be hard for you to get out here often, so Arkynn will be our link. You get the information to him, and he’ll ensure it’s passed on, okay?” He smiles wider when I bob my head in agreement. “Reya, we have big plans for the reaping ceremony, but for those plans to work, we need you to work your hardest to get into the elite spots. It’s crucial for you to be on stage when the prince selects his bride.”
I arch a brow. “You believe the prince will be there at the reaping?”
“We know he will and when he is, we need you to be in that line up of Shadow Kissed females.”
I chew on the inside of my lip. This could be a problem.
“Something wrong?” Corlan asks me.
I let out a nervous chuckle. “You could say that. You see, I don’t excel in what society would consider ladylike activities.” I glance at Arkynn. “I’m more comfortable around a dagger anda sparring ring. Crochet, dancing, and polite conversation don’t come naturally to me. In fact, I’m a disaster!”
Arkynn nods his head and sighs. “She’s not kidding. If she needs to excel at such activities to be in that top tier, we may have issues.”
Corlan scratches at his chin as he thinks. “I see. Could you not befriend the other girls and get them to help you?”
I snicker and pull a grimace. “I’m not what you would call a social butterfly. I don’t make friends easily.”
He leans in and places his hand over mine. “Reya. This rebellion needs you. You’re the key to everything we have planned now. If you really want to rid this world of the scaths and escape your fate, then I need you to do everything you can to learn and excel and be their star pupil.”
I blow out a long breath. “I want that too. I’ll do whatever it takes.”
Corlan beams at me and places a hand on my shoulder. “Then welcome to the rebellion, Reya. You’re one of us now.”
My heart hammers in my chest. This is it. There’s no going back now. I’d rather face execution than the alternative. “Now I need some assurances from you,” I tell him, and he leans in, his arms resting on his knees, and listens. “I need your guarantee that no matter what, they’ll not get me through that portal. Once I’ve done what is required of me, you’ll get me out of there and to safety.”
Corlan reaches out and places his hands over mine. “Reya, I swear to you. If you help us pull this off, we’ll have you out and away from their clutches and we’ll make sure we find you somewhere safe where they can never find you.”
I close my eyes and savour his words. I’d be free. Free in such as I’d be free to make my own path. Yes, I’ll have to hide out like an escaped convict, but that is better than the path I’m destined for now.
“And you can make that call?” I ask him, aware that he isn’t the one heading up this rebellion.
“I assure you that our leader and financial backer has promised me he’ll give you whatever you want, if you’ll work with us.”