Page 13 of Charmed By the Orc
He sighed, the noise as chilling as a scream in a graveyard. “We suspect you’ve come through the veil, dear Samantha, but we do not know how to send you home.”
“I…” A knot formed in my stomach, the reality of my situation hitting me like a surprise final boss. “You can’t send me home?” The word was foreign on my tongue. Seattle, nor anywhere else on Earth, had ever been my home, but to think I’d never see my world again? My friends?
Guruk held me, my only anchor in my maelstrom of emotions. “Is there nothing you can do, Councilors?”
“We have granted citizenship to our village.” Fizzle gave my shoulder a reassuring pat, glancing back and forth between Guruk and me, until his kind eyes held mine. “You are welcome here.”
My vision blurred as tears welled up, but I refused to let them spill over. I sucked in a shuddering breath. “I appreciate that,” I said, and I meant it. These people were strangers to me, but still they offered me a chance to belong.
Petalor, the dragonfly fae flapped their wings, hovering above their chair. “We may be able to offer you further solace.”
“How so?” Guruk led me closer to the dais to better hear their answer. Fizzle stepped back too, giving the floor to his colleague.
“Perhaps, it would be easiest to show you.” The naga, Ozarhax, slithered toward us on his snake-like tail. Then, he darted a look over his shoulder to the siren and said, “Would you be so kind, Saraeda?”
The beautiful siren stepped forward, all of us now standing in a circle. With a warbling voice, she let free a melody unlike anyI’d heard before. The delicate, lilting notes rose and fell like an ebbing tide. The summoning intensified, introducing deeper, resonant tones that pulsed as solid as a heartbeat, creating a sense of urgency. With a sharp snap, it cut off, and a creature appeared in the center of our circle.
“Whoa!” I gasped, jumping back and landing with a thud against Guruk’s hard chest.
“Steady, little one,” he held me steady by the hips, his breath tickling my ear, “it’s just a florin.”
“The one Thad talked about,” I recalled the brief mention of the sacred creature from the bookstore. But nothing prepared me for its undeniable and absolute cuteness.
The florin stood a bit more than waist high on me. Three tails almost as long as that patted the ground while they hopped back and forth on their tiny feet. Pastel pink fur covered most of their body except the tips of the tails and the perimeter of their belly, which was covered in a darker pink shade. A stripe of white fur ran down the center of their face and covered their mouth, chin, and cheeks. Finally, their little paws and their adorable round belly also had the same fluffy white fur. They looked at me with button black eyes and a friendly grin in the shape of a bow.
I glanced up at Guruk with puppy dog eyes and whispered, “I think I’m in love.”
His rumbling laugh warmed my soul. “The florins have that effect.”
“Oh honored one,” Fizzle bowed to the pink fluffball of adorableness, “thank you for coming.”
Twitters and tweaks, not that different from a hamster’s noises, came form the florin’s mouth.
“Yes, we understand.” Saraeda held out her delicate hand, long fingers brushing the florin’s paw. “We’re sure it was quite the trip. Please, take what you need.”
Guruk bent to my ear. “They live off the energy of others, taking a small sip from us larger folk to sustain them.”
I watched in awe as the florin patted the siren’s hand after a moment and twittered something that could only be interpreted as a thank you.
“Excellent, now allow me to tell you of this human’s plight.” Fizzle motioned toward me and began to launch into the details of my account.
The florin nodded along, humming in spots as our guide spoke.
The rest of the council filled in with their knowledge and thoughts about my situation, adding in that they had given me citizenship in Havenlore. I had mixed feelings as I listened, glancing ever so often at my orc as I did. Yet, in the end, I found myself hoping that this sweet florin would be able to help me—one way or another.
The minutes tickedby as the council recounted Sammy’s story for the florin. My gut twisted. I wanted my little human to have everything she desired, but much to my shame, I also secretly wished that the florin wouldn’t be able to help her. If she couldn’t return to her world, then she would stay in Havenlore…with me.
When the council’s explanation ended, the florin sat on their tails in silent contemplation.
Sammy held her breath, and I tugged her impossibly closer to my side. “No matter what,” I said, nuzzling her hair, “we’re in this together.”
She shot me a grateful smile that both set fire to my heart and increased my guilt. I’d grant her anything she wanted, everything within my power, if only she’d stay with me.
A hush fell over the room. Then, as if called to the stage, the florin hopped up on the dais and twittered its reply. Councilor Saraeda translated for us.