Page 9 of Charmed By the Orc
“Inara!” Guruk bolted for the door, flinging it open and stomping onto the porch.
I followed on his heels. “What is it?” I cried, not expecting an answer. We both lacked proper footwear, but the grass beneath my feet provided enough cushion as we raced toward a pen.
“The alicorn,” Guruk called, not slowing his stride. “Something’s wrong.”
The pen wasn’t far from the house, but I was not prepared for the sight that greeted us. Opposite the fence stood a majestic creature born from myths and legends. With a shimmering white coat that glistened like snow, and a flowing mane that cascaded in iridescent waves, the alicorn surpassed my wildest imaginings. Expansive feathered wings bore delicate patterns reminiscent of starlight. Atop its regal head, a spiraled horn glimmered with an opalescent sheen, radiating a soft, warm glow.
I was so starstruck by the fantastical being that, at first, I didn’t notice the denizen lurking in the shadows.
“Get back now!” Guruk had no such hesitations. Having hopped the fence and obtained an ax from who knows where, he barreled across the pen like a fierce warrior ready for combat. Even barefoot in his simple linen shirt and worn leathers, the orc cut an imposing figure.
“I wouldn’t want to be his target.” Watching his muscles work as he hauled the ax over his shoulder did something funny to my insides. “Well, not his target for a fight anyway.”
As Guruk closed in on his prey, the midmorning sun hid behind a cloud, dulling the light. “You’ve got guts trespassing on my land, fiend.”
“’Til next time then,” a high-pitched voice squeaked.
It was impossible to tell the direction it came from as the sound seemed to travel all around us. Guruk must have sensed the same as he took up a battle stance in front of the alicorn.
A crackle like popcorn in the microwave snapped my attention to the wooded area beyond the pen. As I turned to investigate, Guruk settled his ax against the fencing, and held out his hand to me. “Don’t bother. Whoever the intruder was just popped through the veil.”
“The veil?” I asked with a last look toward the woods. “What do you mean?”
He tugged me to him, then placed both hands at my waist, lifting me over the fence with ease. “Our land has old magic in it, Sammy.” He set me on my feet, the warmth of his touch lingering on my body. “The veil is part of it, and those who can use it may journey between spaces with little trouble. It’s how we’ve had visitors from other lands before.”
“Oh,” I said, running through the implications in my mind. “Maybe that’s how I ended up here then? I somehow traveled through the veil?”
“It would be my guess.” He motioned for me to follow him. “We’ll bring it up when we meet the council.”
I halted in my tracks. “Wait, council?”
Guruk opened the gate as the alicorn came forward. Her ethereal aura captivated my senses. Gorgeous white wings shimmered in the dappled sunlight, casting playful shadows on the ground. He patted the majestic creature’s side as he said, “The council guides the village. If anyone will know about how you came to our world and how to get you home, they will.”
My breath caught in my throat. I croaked, “Really?”
“Yes.” He nodded, kneeling to check over the alicorn’s injured wing. “Inara will accompany us to the village, so the healer can check on her progress, and we’ll inform the sheriff of the would-be poacher as well.” Seemingly satisfied, he straightened to his great height and grinned at me. His tusks stretched higher on either side of his mouth. The look should have been intimidating, but it wasn’t. It lit up his face, turning him from handsome to downright delectable. “It’ll be my pleasure to show you the village.”
Heat flooded my cheeks. “I’d like that.”
Heading out of the pen with Inara trailing him, Guruk turned to head toward the house.
“Wait,” I called, catching up to his long strides, “I thought we were going to visit the village?”
His hearty laugh wrapped around me like a cozy blanket. He pointed at my feet. “Might need something first, no?”
“Oh.” I wiggled my toes in the grass, my neon green nail polish matching the hue. My face warmed further. “Right.”
As we traversed the steps to grab our boots, a sense of calm washed over me. Despite the anticipation of seeing the village and meeting the council, I felt more at peace than I ever had. And I had a sneaking suspicion it had something to do with the orc beside me. His steady presence ground me, acting like an anchor in an unknown world.
My heart sped up its rhythm as I watched his big hands tie up the laces of his boots.
Okay, so maybe not so calm.
As the sunclimbed higher in the sky, blanketing the landscape in a golden light, I walked alongside Sammy and Inara toward the village. The path was lined with autumn wildflowers, but I hardly noticed their colors. My mind was preoccupied with thoughts of the rogue who dared trespass on my land, my duty to protect the alicorn, but most of all…Sammy.