Page 13 of Kept By the Bratva
The roar of my blood rang too loud in my ears, and I blinked, still focusing on breathing the best I could so I could strain to hear past my terror. My body was locked down in panic, but I tried to stay with it and not slip back into that paralysis of fright and rigid doom.
Bright light blinded me, and I squinted to combat the sudden glaring illumination that filled the cargo space. Men stood there, looking in. I hated the position, being looked down on, but with my limited vision as the spotlights burned so harshly behind them, I noticed one clear thing.
They wore no masks.
They didn’t care if I saw them. They didn’t count on letting me escape or live to identify them.
I’m going to die.
I knew it now, and with a last reserve of energy at that terrifying thought, I kicked and thrashed, bucking and growling as they reached in and hauled me out. Nothing worked. I couldn’t hurt them with my mouth gagged and my limbs bound.
But I tried. I refused to go down weak and docile. I resisted the touch of their filthy hands and fought the best I could. Like one of the feral, rabid cats that sometimes came to the vet clinic, I twisted and exerted all my strength into trying to break free.
They dropped me roughly in a warehouse room. Cold concrete didn’t buffer my fall, and they didn’t care. My fellow passenger was draggedin too, and I saw that she was alive, moaning and moving slightly. Behind her, four more women shook and trembled along the wall.
Every one of them were bound, tied to meaty hooks on the wall.
White, clinical dresses covered them, and with their frightful eyes trained on me and the other sluggish woman, they watched as I was stripped.
The men spoke in Spanish, and I couldn’t follow what they were saying as they roughly ripped and cut my clothes off. I’d struggled so much already, and my body was spent from the terror and panic, so I could only suck in hard breaths to stay with it.
Or maybe passing out would be better. It couldn’t hurt as much if I were out cold.
They gave me no such mercy, but as they scolded and bickered, seeming to hurry to strip us, they mentionedDiego.
They didn’t grope me. They didn’t rape me. The one dragged his lustful gaze near my pussy, but he didn’t touch me. It seemed like an offensive, hurried strip search, and I trembled with relief when it was done.
Were they looking for drugs? A recording device? The idea that they worried I could be a threat tothemwas ridiculous.
Tense and watching their every move, I realized they weren’t going to defile me. Not now, at least. Once they stripped me, they shoved one of those stiff white shifts over my body. Barefoot and trembling from the cold fear that encompassed my body, I staggered to the wall and felt the tugs of being secured.
Before they left me there in the lineup, the taller but lankier brute cut my gag off. His knife slid against my cheek so swiftly that I flinched. A hoarse scream waited on my tongue, but when I opened my mouth, he simply moved the knife up and gripped it.
I choked with his fingers squeezing my tongue, and I blinked with the awkward, painful tug down that had me stretching my mouth open wide.
“You scream, and I cut this out.” He narrowed his eyes on me with such loathing, I knew that this was the only time he’d tell me this ultimatum. “Got it?” he added in that same broken English.
I blinked quicker and replied with a sloppyuh-huhwithout the means to move my mouth or tongue.
He released me and glowered at all six of us in here before he and his companion stalked out of the room.
The metal door slammed shut, and I felt the vibration of that closure deep into my soul.
“Don’t fight back,” one woman whispered. She sported a black eye, a cut lip, and was missing one hand. The bloodied, bandaged stump at the end of her arm was too much.
I leaned over and puked. I was so used to the heaving force of the action now that I did it quickly. Efficiently, almost, and I tried to step aside from the puddle of bile.
“They drugged you too?” another woman asked quietly. She had blood dripping down the insides of her legs, and her eyes had that vacant hopelessness that I tried to fight back.
I shook my head. My God, how long had they been here?
“I miss my mama,” the shortest one said, crying silently. Big, fat tears leaked down her cheeks that hadn’t lost the chubbiness of babies.
Shewasa baby. A child. My stomach tensed again.
“I… I wasn’t drugged. Just walking home, and they got me. How long have you been here?” I scanned the room, eager for a clue of how to escape. We had to!
That girl cried out for her mother, and I didn’t blame her for the sobbing vocalization of wanting rescue. I had no family to count on or wish to see, but from the back of my mind, one face showed in my memories. One rugged, strong man.