Page 13 of Thicker than Blood
“Are the triplets here?”
“They are indeed.” He drags a hand through his dark hair. “Can I help you?”
“I need mortal provisions. Do we have any downstairs?”
“Juice, soda. There may be some tequila left.”
“Bring me some juice and soda. Geordi is coming over to discuss a partnership.”
Benicio furrows his brow. “I don’t know which one that is.”
“He was at the scene. The one who looked the most out of place.”
“Ah. The curious natured man.”
“That’s him. Apparently, the mortals have chosen wisely and decided to accept my help in the matter. Speaking of, have you heard back about anyone specifically involved?”
“No. Many are quick to prove they aren’t involved and remain loyal to you, but none are brave enough to own it.”
My mood darkens slightly. “They’ve forced my hand. I am now obligated to see my threat through to completion.”
“They were warned, sir.”
“I suppose, but destroying one’s own kind is never pleasant.”
“No.” We both pause as a slight flapping noise and soft thud on the roof reach us. “That must be Braden.”
“I thought the gargoyle left us to join his lover in… what was it? Columbia?”
“Argentina. If he’s back, it must have gone awry. I’ll greet him and bring back the drinks for your mortal guest.”
“Thank you.”
Benicio leaves to greet Braden and lead him downstairs while I turn my gaze out the window. I do need to tread lightly with this endeavor. I have no idea who’s behind it or who can be trusted. My bond with Benicio is so pure that I know he’s good, but my bonds are not as vibrant as I’d like with others.
Over the centuries, we’ve all developed techniques to block others out, and even a vampire with as much skill and power as me has trouble reading thoughts and motivations sometimes. It’s honestly not mattered much to me until now. The vampires and other supes have enough natural fear of me not to cross me, but something has clearly changed. I wish I knew what.
Benicio returns moments later with a silver tray carrying a variety of options. Included are two glasses and a bucket of ice.
“I found a package of crackers too.” He shows them to me. “In case he’s peckish.”
“Thank you, my friend. Was it Braden?”
“Yes.” Benicio frowns. “He’s very sad about his breakup, so I dropped him off with the sirens. They’ll take care of him.”
“Are you coming down? They’ve asked about you numerous times.”
“Perhaps after the mortal leaves.”
Benicio nods, but I can see on his face he has more to say.
“Go on.”
“Tristan is here. He’s just as eager as usual.”
Ah, Tristan. “He’s lovely, but there’s something off. I can’t put my finger on it.”