Page 31 of Thicker than Blood
“What was his name?”
“Oscar. I asked around and he’s been seen in a few places recently, asking about covens and alliances. I don’t know for sure, but the timing is unusual.”
“But why now? Besides, the mortals weren’t behind his troubles. His own coven banished him.”
“His coven leader was discovered beheaded in his own home three months ago. Sounds like revenge to me.”
“Anyway, I have some feelers out with trusted friends. I’ll let you know, but I wanted to see you in person since the genesis of this new event happened here.”
“I’m well. No one has contacted me directly yet.”
Benicio appears, dropping off a drink for Lucius without being asked. He’s good that way. He lingers, however, his energy agitated.
“May I interrupt?”
“Go on.”
“It’s Tristan, sir,” Benicio says, glancing around. “I think he would benefit from an audience with you.”
“Who is Tristan?” Lucius asks.
I roll my eyes as irritation pricks at my skin. “A very needy boy. Where is he?”
Benicio tilts his head to the left. “The lounge near the front. He’s brooding and looking for trouble.”
“Why don’t you ask him to leave?” my friend asks.
“It’s better to soothe him rather than punish him.”
“Ah. A jilted lover?”
“No. I’ve never invited him to my bed, but I believe that’s the problem. I’ll take care of it, Benicio. Thank you.”
Benicio nods and disappears into the crowd.
“Excuse me, friend, while I deal with this.”
Lucius puts a hand on my wrist. “Is he appealing?”
“Outwardly, he’s lovely. There’s something about his energy that doesn’t fit with mine, but if I were less discerning, I would indulge.”
Lucius stands, tugging on his jacket to straighten it. “Lucky for Tristan, I’m not picky at all. Lead the way. I’ll distract your pest for the evening.”
Chuckling, I pat his back. “Very well. Before we tend to that though, I may need your assistance.”
“An alliance with the mortals.”
Lucius raises both eyebrows in surprise. “Do my ears deceive me?”
“I’m afraid not. Those of us who benefit from the truce have a vested interest in maintaining it. Working with the mortals ensures a better outcome for us. They won’t hesitate to use extreme force this time.”
“True.” His brow creases. “What do you need at this time?”
“Just your commitment. I need those I trust around me.”