Page 78 of Thicker than Blood
Searing pain spreads through me as the vampire drags me by the neck through the house and down the stairs. Warm sticky blood soaks my shirt as I desperately grasp at walls, furniture, and doorframes to slow my attacker, but it’s useless.
I was looking over my notes when he busted through the door, stomped toward me, and tore through my chest. The last thing I saw before my vision went black was Benicio’s fangs as he launched himself at the attacker, but I don’t know what happened after that.
Elias. I need Elias.
I focus on his face to distract from the throbbing pain in my chest. Can he feel me right now? Does he know what’s happening?
“Stupid fucking mortal,” the vampire growls as my body bumps clumsily down the stairs. “Why did you show up and fuck everything up? I was so close to getting him. So damn close.”
I try to reach where the worst of the pain is, but my arm is too weak. I blink slowly as awareness seeps in. Paradiso. At least he didn’t take me away from the house.
Suddenly, the vampire tosses me, flinging me across the room. I hit a wall with a thud, barely able to make a sound as mymuscles seize and bones crack. The blond man stalks toward me, his face a mask of anger. With his fangs out, I brace myself for whatever he’s about to do to me.
In a feeble attempt at protection, I scoot back and try to put my arms out, but the effort is too much, the pain too severe.
“Why are you doing this?” I manage to ask.
“Elias is mine,” the vampire growls. His eyes glow red and angry. “It’s me he needs. Not some… mortal.”
He spits the word as if it disgusts him. My stomach clenches from the pain, but I endure. If I close my eyes, he’ll kill me.
“I didn’t know. I didn’t do it on purpose.”
The vampire tilts his head, pausing in his rage. His face is covered in blood, as are his clothes, and I have to wonder if it’s all my blood or mixed with someone else’s. Is Enyo okay? Is Benicio?
“You have no idea what you’ve walked into, do you?”
I shake my head as best I can, clutching my side. There’s a sharp pain every time I inhale. Broken ribs, probably.
“Too bad, mortal. You should have followed the rules and stayed far, far away from Elias. Now I have no choice but to kill you so his attention returns where it should be. Vampire domination.”
“You…” I shudder with pain and nausea. “You’re part of it?”
His lips spread in what I assume is meant to be a smile, but it’s terrifying and odd, like something that doesn’t know what a smile is but read about it. His teeth are sharp, of course, and tinged pink with blood.
“You’ve been a busy little bee in your workshop. You say your purpose is helping us, but we all know mortals have ulterior motives. Your true goal is to sedate us, disarm us, keep us submissive and at bay.” His eyes flash bright red as he growls. “But we are monsters. We will not be denied our essence.” He takes a step closer and I cower and whimper with fear. “AndElias is a prize far too great for a mere mortal. I simply can’t allow it.”
Just as he reaches down to grab me again, he’s lifted into the air and thrown to the far side of the room. Relief floods my body when I see Elias, his body vibrating with rage I can feel in my own core. His eyes glow red, and his fangs gleam even in the dim light.
Benicio appears before me, his expression filled with concern. “Oh dear. You’ll be okay.” He smiles, brushing my hair from my forehead.
“El…” I cough as my attempt to speak sends a spike of fresh pain through my chest.
“Elias is fine. He’ll be with you in a minute.”
“Upstairs with Jagger.”
I nod, fighting the desire to let the pain racking my body drag me under. I’ve never experienced anything like this, never even imagined it. What did he do to me?
Faint voices swarm around me as I struggle to hold on to consciousness, but I can’t fight it anymore. I’m dying.