Page 86 of Thicker than Blood
“Definitely. Tristan didn’t hurt you?”
“Not at all. When he busted in, Jagger took me upstairs so fast I didn’t even know what happened. By the time he came down, Tristan had dragged you away and he and Benicio were ready to attack, but Elias busted through the door and lost his shit.” He leans closer as if he could keep me or Jagger from hearing. “Dude, Elias didn’t look like himself. He was so mad.”
“What did he look like?”
“A monster. His skin was pure white and his eyes were red. I swear his fangs were longer and thicker. It was terrifying.”
The pink blush on Geordi’s face pleases me. My heart flutters and my cock stirs. I’m ready to indulge myself in his beauty once more, but I have to deal with this nonsense first.
I whisper his name so quietly only a supe could hear it.
His eyes snap to mine. I smile at him, sending him promises of love and care and forever.
His body warms, his heart beats faster, and his blood surges, pooling between his legs. He parts his lips, flicking his pink tongue out to wet them. The beast within me reacts, and as my gums throb with need, it’s all I can do not to fuck him in front of all these people. Perhaps that would be a fitting punishment for Tristan—being forced to watch me take my lover apart again and again.
Would Geordi allow such a ruthless act? The taste of revenge would be sweet on my tongue. I glance at my love as desire floods my body.
Elias has an unusual expression on his face, drawing my curiosity to the surface.
“What are you thinking about?”
His eyes pulse and he moves closer. “A scandalous thought.” Elias tickles his fingers under my chin. “An indulgent end to this nonsense.”
“Tell me.”
“Will you think poorly of me?”
I shake my head. “Impossible.”
He bends down so that his lips brush against the shell of my ear, whispering dirty thoughts of how he’d like to unravel me with pleasure, making me come over and over until I’m spent, all with a jealous and evil Tristan forced to watch.
My body unexpectedly heats and I sway towards him. “Please.”
A sexy smirk graces my vampire’s lips. “You’re like me in more ways than we’ve yet discovered.”
“But we’re not alone. Lucius is on his way.”
“My desire isn’t going anywhere.”
My mind conjures images of being fucked while Tristan is forced to watch, recalling the magic veil Elias got for us the first time he took me apart. It shouldn’t sound so good to me, but it does.
I check back in when a loud thumping noise interrupts my thoughts. Lucius enters the room. He’s covered in blood and gore with a maniacal grin on his face. In one hand he’s holding a headless body, in the other—the head of that body.
Tristan gasps, cowering and groaning as the chains sizzle on his flesh. “Fisher.”
“How did you find him?” Elias asks. “I just learned of his existence.”
Lucius, using the back of his hand, wipes blood from his chin. “A glorious nugget of sex appeal led me to him. He heard him recruiting in a club and my loyalty is to you. I would have brought Fisher alive, but he didn’t allow it. My hand was forced.”
Elias hums happily. “Wonderful. I told you that you chose the wrong vampire, Trist.”