Page 91 of Thicker than Blood
“Who am I to question my instincts? Perhaps it’s fate. I don’t really care. All I need to know is how he makes me feel, how he lights me up, and gives this old vampire a new outlook.”
Elias turns to me, and as his eyes pulse with heat, my cock swells and my mouth waters.
“Are we done talking to him? I want you.”
“Yes, my darling, we’re done talking to him.”
Elias stalks toward me, taking my hand and guiding me to the bed in the room. Is it shaped like a coffin? Yep. Is that the coolest thing I’ve ever seen? Also yes.
Elias sits first before pulling me up with him and cradling my head against his chest. He brushes my hair from my forehead,gazing down at me with what must be love in his eyes. I believe that’s what it is.
“What a gift you’re about to give me,” he says. “I don’t take it lightly. In fact, I’m honored to be the one.”
I nod, clinging to his forearm. “I’m ready.”
With his hand on the back of my neck, he lifts me slightly, pulls his head back to reveal sharp white fangs, then bends forward and sinks them into my neck. I squeeze my eyes closed, waiting for pain, but what I get is a flood of warmth and good feelings.
Elias is home. He’s the one to fill the empty hole I’ve had since losing my family. He’s my family now.
My toes and fingers lose feeling, and I become lightheaded. When I open my eyes, the room is blurry, but my hearing is weirdly sharp. I hear Tristan’s chains rattling and his groans of protest. My blood rushes through my veins to the wound in my neck as Elias drinks me in. My heartbeat slows but Elias’s becomes louder.
I’m dying.
My stomach clenches with hunger, twisting painfully as I claw at Elias’s chest. I want to speak, to beg for relief, but the words don’t form.
He pulls his head back, his teeth tugging at my flesh as he slides them out. I try to focus on his face, but I can barely make out shapes, much less his features.
“Here you go, my darling. Drink up.”
The first cool drop of metallic liquid lands on my tongue, igniting a desperate hunger like nothing I’ve ever felt. His bloodisn’t warm at all, but I knew that about vampires. I grab his wrist, holding the open vein to my mouth, and drink, gulping the thick nectar down my throat.
As I swallow, my strength returns, the feeling in my extremities tingling back to life. A smile tugs at my lips, but it’s short lived. A searing pain stabs me in the chest, and I gasp, throwing my head back and groaning. The convulsions start next, and I’m taken back to the horror of watching my sister struggle. It’s happening.
I’m turning.
Elias hovers over me, and the pure calm and affection on his face soothes the fear and panic spreading through me. This is supposed to happen.
When the spasms stop, the world does too. It’s dead silent as the room falls away.
I hear nothing.
See nothing.
I’m dead.