Page 58 of Savage Escape
“No sex.” This he said like he was scolding a couple of teenagers intent on getting knocked up. He casually wiped his hand off on his slacks and then put them on his hips, looking for all the world like they were the ones doing something insane.
“Are you insane?”
“What?” Reid blinked like he was confused as to why Nate was yelling at him and not the other way around.
“You can’t go around shoving—this is not—read the room, shit.” Nathan did not want to have to explain why a person did not go around shoving their hands into people’s faces. Especially not in front of Caden. He wanted her to like his family, not run away screaming.
Caden’s body jerked and Nate glanced up to see her biting her lip like she was trying to restrain laughter. Well, at least she wasn’t looking like she was going to hightail it out the door.
“What’s to read?” Reid got angry and defensive. His arms folded across his chest and he glared. “There ain’t no writing on these walls.”
“It’s an expression. Look at what’s going on around you, process that information, and then adjust.”
“I did.” Reid was scowling now and doing that thing with his face that made him look annoyed and exasperated and derisive all at once. “You two were too busy to hear me. So I read the room, deemed you both too horny to acknowledge my presence, processed that information, and then adjusted so your horny asses would pay attention.”
“Clear your throat next time, damn.” Nathan rubbed at his face and felt the flush of heat and arousal dissipate completely.
“I did!” He unfolded his arms and then started looking stern. “I already told you both,multiple times,do not stress your wounds! But do you listen to me? No! I only saved your lives and am responsible for your well-being—no need to listen to the only certified doctor in the room! No sex!” He paused in his rant to glare pointedly down at Caden until she slowly removed herself from Nathan’s lap.
Ridiculous. Nathan sputtered and tried to form some kind of coherent protest at the absence of her heat.
“We aren’t stressing our wounds,” Caden spoke up, frowning.
“No fornicating—which was where you both were going with that little spit-swapping session you were doing. Don’t even try to deny it! I was here, remember? No sex! None whatsoever. Do you understand? Do you need a reminder that you have two bullet holes in you, Nathan? And Caden, you aren’t even stitched up yet! And you’re battered and broke seven ways from Sunday! We haven’t even x-rayed your arm or checked your forearm stabwound for infections! Neither of you will be doing so much as batting an eyelash at each other until you are both better healed. Honestly, Caden, I expected better from you.”
Caden deflated and looked completely flabbergasted. Like she couldn’t comprehend how he came to that conclusion. Nathan didn’t understand it either.
“Her? Why her? She’s the stubbornest, most single-minded woman on the planet.” Nathan watched as she tensed and quirked her eyebrows and got that look in her eye that said he was the special kind of stupid.
“Says the stubbornest male on the planet.” Caden shot a glare at him and cocked her eyebrow like she was daring him to deny it.
“No sex!” Obviously, Reid felt like his message wasn’t getting through. “None.”
“You’re not my mother, Reid. We are two grown adults capable of making adult-like decisions.” He only felt slightly guilty for completely disregarding his trained professional of a brother’s advice.
Cold, calculating silence fell. Reid glared for a long minute before he turned on his heel and marched right out the door. Which was weird. Reid didn’t give up. He stood his ground until the other party either gave up or died.
“Wow.” Caden’s voice was teeming with amusement and warmth. “I’ve never been so unsubtly cock-blocked before.”
She was grinning. Damn, he liked those smiles.
It took him longer than it should have to speak. But he was okay with losing his mind every time she smiled like that. Embarrassment stung his cheeks when he realized that a full minute had passed and he still was unable to speak.
Mentally, he rallied.
He needed to get his shit together. He was supposed to be seducing her into loving him and his crazy family. He was notgoing to do that by turning into a blundering idiot whenever she smiled.
He needed to go Bond.
James Bond.
Women loved that, right? He could do suave and sleek and smooth as a baby’s bottom.
Her head cocked at him again and another tiny smirk pulled at her lips. Shit. Had she asked a question? Was he supposed to respond?
“Yeah...” What was the question?
Who the fuck was he kidding? James Bond was his antithesis. He’d have to hope and pray that what little charm he did possess worked on her.