Page 83 of Savage Escape
Her lungs burned and her side ached, but she kept up her speed, jumping over saplings and shrubbery. Holden was right behind her, gun holstered at his side, and running for all he was worth.
The charges went off.
They weren’t far enough away.
It took a second, but the blast caught up with her. It was like getting hammered in the back with a battering ram. It pushed the air out of her lungs, lit a trail of pain all over, and knocked her off her feet.
Nathan had been caught and tortured too many times in the past month.
It was getting tiresome.
He’d been on his way to convince Caden to stay with him when he was run off the road, pulled out of his truck, and tossed in the back of a black van. They’d then proceeded to beat the living hell out of him until he’d passed out.
The worst part of it all was that he’d missed his chance with Caden. She could be literally anywhere now. She’d probably gotten on that plane and hadn’t looked back. He’d have to start from scratch in finding her again.
Fucking Kyott.
Nate was going to kill him.
And just what the hell did Kyott want withhim? He was retired. Any information he did know was outdated and useless.
He’d been getting beat on for the past hour with no questions asked. If they wanted to torture someone, any old Tom, Dick, or Harry would do. Why track him down and go through the trouble of kidnapping him again?
Which made him think that this all had something to do with Caden Quinn. She was the only thing he had information on. Unless, of course, he was there for some random reason he couldn’t possibly fathom. She was the only thing that made sense.
Another hit to the face and Nathan was seeing stars. The goon delivering the beating had himself a powerful right hook.
Nathan spat blood onto the floor, his vision blurring as another punch sent his head snapping back. The metallic taste of blood lingered in his mouth, mixing with the bitterness of frustration.
As the goon pulled back for another swing, Nathan braced himself, biting down on the urge to groan. His mind raced, trying to make sense of the situation. Maybe Kyott had gotten wind that Caden Quinn had been staying with him? Maybe this was another one of those bought to be tortured things. Not him, but Caden.
The next punch didn’t come. Instead, there was a pause. Nathan blinked through the blood and sweat, his eyes locking on the figure standing just behind the goon. He recognized that smug silhouette anywhere.
“Marskib,” Nathan rasped, his voice hoarse but laced with venom. That mother fucker. “Finally decided to join the party, huh?”
Charles Marskib stepped forward, his hands clasped behind his back, a cold smile tugging at the corners of his lips. Kyott and the goon took a step back and stood in the shadows of the room. Nathan couldn’t decide if he was satisfied or not with this turn of events. He’d been in Moscow to track Marskib’s movements, but all that had changed when he’d gotten captured.
“Savage. You’ve always had a talent for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. But this? This is different—you’re exactly where I want you to be this time.”
“What do you want, Charles?” Nathan’s jaw tightened.
“I want Caden Quinn.”
“I don’t have her.” Nathan shrugged his shoulders. His heart pounded in his chest, his mind scrambling to piece together the puzzle. Why did Charles Marskib want Caden Quinn?
“But you know where she is.” He crouched down, leaning so close Nathan could smell his aftershave. “What did you do with her once you escaped my compound?”
“That wasyourcompound?”
“Yes, it was unfortunately run by idiots.” He tsked and shook his head ruefully. “Had I been running it, you would have never escaped.”
“I heard that Caden Quinn escaped you.” Nathan couldn’t help but remind him. Just to nettle him.