Page 15 of Deadly Devotion
“Oh yes, I’m fine. My stomach still feels a little off, though.” I push the plate to the side to avoid throwing up on it. “Do you have any ginger ale?” I ask hopefully.
“Of course, I’ll bring it right away.” Abram disappears into a walk-in pantry, allowing me to ask the children more about their father.
“Is your father’s name Maxim, too?” I look directly at Maxim, hoping their father isn’t Mikhail. It would be terrible to be orphaned at such a young age. I know all about that kind of life.
“No, his name is Mikhail. And Mama’s name was Anya.” Finishing the last forkful of eggs, he pushes his plate aside and picks up his electronic game.
My heart sinks thinking about Mikhail. It’s clear they don’t know their father is dead, and I’m not about to tell them. I gaze out the window, listening to Olga and Sasha talk about swimming in the pool today.
“Miss Talia.” Abram puts a crystal glass in front of me filled to the brim with ginger ale. “May I get you some toast or crackers?”
“Crackers would be wonderful. Thank you so much.” I take a few sips of the bubbly soda, hoping it settles my stomach. At almost eight weeks pregnant, the morning sickness has turned into morning, afternoon, and night sickness. In between the nausea, I’ve been having weird cravings, like pickles and ice cream or bowls of sauerkraut. Abram places a plate of saltine crackers in front of me.
Sasha finishes her breakfast and gives me a big smile. “We’re going swimming today!” she announces.
“After your lessons,” Olga insists.
“Do you want to swim with us? Uncle makes the pool hot so we can swim even when it’s cold outside.” Clasping her hands in front of her, she sways back and forth, anxiously waiting for my response. Olga nods her head, indicating her approval of joining them.
“Thank you for inviting me,” I answer, nibbling on the crackers.
“Okay!” Sasha beams. “Nanny Olga, may we show Talia the pool? And can we show her the library and the theater, too?”
“Da,“ Olga agreed. “We’ll give Talia a tour of the mansion. We go now.”
Leaving the crackers on the table, I follow Olga, Sasha, and Maxim out of the kitchen. Nikolai trails behind, giving us some space but watching over us at the same time.
The tour of the mansion begins with the grand library, an immense chamber lined with floor-to-ceiling bookshelves filled with leather-bound books. As impressive as it is, my eyes drift to the corner of the library to what appeared to be a children’s area. An alphabet-patterned rug was surrounded by brightly colored books lined up like soldiers on low shelves. Plush toys were scattered around, some sitting in children-sized chairs, some lying on the rug. An oversized bean bag chair and a low table completed the area.
Sasha led me to the children’s corner, picking a book off the shelf and plopping down on the bean bag chair. “This is my favorite place in the library,” she announced. “Uncle had it made just for me.” She smiled proudly with her arms spread wide.
“It’s lovely.” I sat in one of the little chairs, feeling like a giant. “Is this also your favorite place, Maxim?”
Maxim snorted, rolling his eyes. “Myfavorite place is the theater room. It’s awesome playing my racing games on the big screen.”
Sasha jumped up from the bean bag chair, grabbing my hand, and pulling me out of the tiny chair. “Come on! Let’s go see the theater!”
Olga held back a laugh at Sasha’s enthusiasm. Nikolai, who was stone-faced, softened a bit when Sasha flashed him a toothy grin. Sasha led the way to the lavish theater room, where plush red velvet seats lined tiered rows facing a massive screen. Apopcorn cart, slushie machine, and candy counter were just a few splendid complements to the cozy seats.
Sasha and Maxim described their favorite movie nights as we explored the theater room. Even Olga chimed in with a short narration of one of her favorite movies. At this moment, my heart felt full watching the bond between the children and Olga.
“Children, let’s show Talia the gardens, and then it will be time for your studies.” Olga ushered the children out of the theater, down the long hallway, and out the glass doors into the immaculately manicured gardens of the Avilov estate.
Blinking against the sun’s brightness, my eyes gradually adjusted to the opulent surroundings. Sasha and Maxim walked with me, pointing to tall hedges ahead. “What is that?” I asked, squinting to see better.
“It’s a maze,” Maxim stated casually.
“A really cool maze!” Sasha jumped up and down in place, barely able to contain her excitement. “Nanny Olga, may we go in?”
Olga glanced at Nikolai, who nodded in approval. He took a seat in an ornate garden chair under a blue umbrella. At the same time, the children, Olga and I, embarked on our journey through the labyrinthine maze. Giant hedges loomed overhead, casting shadows on the ground below. The children guided us through the maze’s twists and turns, their laughter filling the cool air.
At last, we emerged into a small clearing at the heart of the maze, where a marble fountain stood surrounded by vibrant colored flowers and lush greenery. The fragrant scent of the blossoms filled my nose as I marveled at the fountain.
“This is beautiful,” I whispered.
Sasha beamed with delight. “It’s our secret place. No one else knows about it.”
Maxim nodded, his eyes sparkling with mischief. “Except Olga, of course.”