Page 85 of Taboo Flames
I press my forehead to his chest and allow my soul to be at peace in his presence.
After dropping Aurora off, I go back to my house and end up on my balcony with a cigar. I can’t remember the last time I smoked a cigar, but tonight calls for it. There’s a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. I’m known to have very good instincts, and right now, they’re telling me that something is about to go wrong.
I press the butt of my cigar against the iron railing and toss it away jerkily, then head in to grab my phone to call Carlos.
Just as I pick up my phone, he calls me, and my heart skips a beat.
“Is she okay?” I growl into the phone.
“She just took a cab out of the house. I have no idea where she’s going. I’m following her right now.”
“Where are the others?”
“They aren’t on protection detail shift tonight.”
I hang up with a curse and call Aurora. The call immediately goes to voicemail, so I try again, and the same thing happens.
“Pick up your damn call,” I grit into my phone.
I call Carlos back, and he picks up on the first ring. “Where the hell are you? Send your coordinates.”
“Okay, boss, I—” All of a sudden, crackling static fills the phone, and I can’t hear him anymore.
“Carlos, Carlos! Fuck!” I shout, and I hear the plastic of the phone crack under my tight grip.
I grab my jacket and gun and rush out of the house, dialing Fiore at the same time.
“Boss,” Fiore greets.
“Find out Carlos’s location. I want him located before I drive out of my driveway,” I bark into the phone and hang up. I have a tracker on most of my men in case they are ever taken by the enemy.
My mistake was not putting one on Aurora as soon as I could. In my defense, I didn’t know she would not stay put at home, where she was safe and protected, but I should have known better. This is Aurora we are speaking of.
Where the hell was she going anyway? Who was she going to meet?
When I find her, I am going to wring her freaking neck.
As soon as I slip behind the wheels of my car, my phone lights up with a call.
“I hope you have good news for me,” I begin.
“Carlos’s last location was on a private road leading to an unoccupied estate. I’m sending you coordinates right now,” Fiore replies. “I’m heading there right now with backup too.”
“Good,” I tell him. “Also, call our contacts in Bologna about Il Sguardo Nero.”
“You think this has something to do with him?”
“Aurora’s been taken. I can feel it. And every second we waste is more seconds she could be getting hurt.”
“On it, boss,” he says, then hangs up.
The drive to Carlos’s location is full of mind-numbing fear. I don’t think I’ve ever been this afraid in my life. My hands are unsteady on the wheel, and I drive like a madman, almost killing my own damn self.
Carlos is only half conscious when we find him a few feet away from his car.