Page 11 of Heal Me One Night
“We’re ready,” I respond. “Do you have the name of the patient?”
“I do not, but the vest reads L. Hartford.”
Cassie almost collapses with relief. “Thank you. We’re ready when you get here.”
I glance over at Cass. “Do you know who this officer is?”
“Luke Hartford, he’s a rookie. Only been on the job a few months. Hopefully he’ll be okay. Is it bad I’m relieved?” she whispers.
“No. It’s human.”
As I wait for the ambulance to get here. I pull my phone out of my pocket and shoot off a text to Britt. When faced with someone’s mortality, I have to make sure I understand my own, and I know exactly how I want to do it this time.
S:Tomorrow. We take care of that fantasy.
Almost immediately, the text comes back.
I put my phone in my pocket when the ambulance pulls into the bay and go right to work.
“Are you sure you don’t mind, Deanna?”
Deanna looks at me with a smirk. “I’m living vicariously. There are a lot of rumors flying around town about you and that sexy Dr. Blake.”
I can feel myself blushing. It’s not like I’m embarrassed. I don’t have anything to be embarrassed about. Excitement. Anticipation. How is it possible that just hearing his name makes me smile? “We’ve been spending time together. And yes, he’s hot. Super hot. And sweet. And funny. But it’s all really new.”
Deanna grins and it makes her look a decade younger. Every day that she’s free of Kyle Stephens seems to turn back the clock for her. “I’m super happy for you, Britt. You deserve a good guy after what... well, after what you’ve been through.”
I point at her. “You deserve it, too. But you’re not ever gonna find it if you won’t date!”
The grin fades. In fact, it seems like she just deflates right before my eyes. “Until things are settled and Kyle is locked up for good, I can’t take that risk. You know how he is.”
“He’s in jail.”
“Jail,” she says. “Not prison. And I need for him to be in prison... But I don’t want to talk about him. Karli is going to stay here, we’re going to no bake cookies, and watch cute Halloween movies.”
“Halloween is more than a month away!”
“Do you care if it keeps her occupied and gives you a free evening to spend with Dr. Blake?”
I don’t have a response for that. “I’m just gonna shut up and go.”
“Stay as late as you want. Seriously. I’ll put Karli to bed here and get her to school in the morning if you need me to... And, Britt?”
“Have enough fun for both of us.”
I leave Deanna’s, still shaking my head, and climb into my car. I’m not driving to the farm, but I am driving to Silas’ apartment. We’ll leave my car there and take his truck to the farm since it apparently will have a starring role.
He surprised me last night with that admission. Even more surprising, I’m pretty eager to make that fantasy a reality for him. Part of it is wanting to please him, sure. But part of me is a little excited about it myself. It feels naughty–a little wicked, a little bit kinky, and just bad enough to be a good time. The truth is, aside from getting pregnant earlier than I probably should have, I’ve never actually done anything too wild. It’s hard to get wild and crazy when you’re budgeting for diapers and an electric bill while balancing school work, house work and wondering who your husband is fucking at any given moment.