Page 1 of Madden
Standing in my kitchen,I stretch my neck from one side to the other before pulling my hat down over my eyes. It's important no one sees my face, and I keep my tattoos covered by arm sleeves, too. All I show are the tattoos on my chest, and the ring piercing my nipple. I’m convinced it's the air of mystery that causes me to get all the views.
I finish setting up my phone and then press record, before backing up and adjusting my hat further down on my head. Pulling my shorts up over my hips, I take a few moments to center myself, and then begin the workout routine I've been doing religiously for the past few years. It's the reason I'm in such good shape, and recently why I have extra money in my bank account.
Bending at the waist, I press my palms down on the floor, and then brace on my forearms, holding a plank. An hour later, sweat is pouring off my body and I have enough footage to use for the next few weeks. Breathing heavily, I sit with my back on the cabinet, enjoying the coolness against my heated skin. Drinking from a bottle of water, I scroll through the comments.
What would people say if they knew the thirst trap on Facebook is their local K-9 officer? A grin covers my face, asI see a couple of names I'm familiar with, including the new dispatcher I've had my eye on.
Rebecca White:I now identify as that pair of shorts.
Continuing to scroll, I'm shocked when I notice one from Ruby, Caleb Harrison's wife. They're estranged, and she's been all over my content, but never like this. Is she trying to piss him off?
Ruby Harrison:Just call me wet, waxed, and smooth.
It's not as if I started posting thirst traps for any other reason than I needed a little extra money, but now it's gotten fun. No one can see my face, but I know whotheyare. I see them at the grocery store, and snicker to myself.
There's one person I'd love to tell, and that's Becca. She and I have spoken a few times, but we have yet to connect outside of work and I'm hoping to change that as soon as possible.
Donut barks from where he's playing outside, and I'm once again grateful I could rent a house instead of having to get an apartment. There's a nice, big, fenced-in yard for him to run. I'm hoping with the social media money I can save enough for a down payment on one I can buy.
But that's neither here nor there. It's time to go to work. I'm sweaty, so I have to take a shower first, but like I do every night before I get ready, I say a little prayer that Donut and I come back in one piece, and unhurt.
"Are you sure?"I ask Caleb as I key the mic.
We're on night patrol together, and it's killing me not to say something about Ruby's escalating comments on my posts. I don’t know if he sees them. Is he Facebook stalking her, like I would if she were my wife?
"Yes, I'm sure I saw someone at the cemetery." He fires back, annoyance in his tone.
I sigh heavily. Cemeteries don't creep me out, but I also don't want to be going to them late at night, just to see what's happening. I groan before I speak again. "C'mon Caleb, I've seen enough dick in my life breaking up teenagers in the back seat. Let them have some fun."
He laughs, seeming to enjoy himself. "C'mon rookie, don't wuss out on me now."
I'm not a rookie. This is my second year, but to them, that's who I am. I'm gonna continue to get the shit calls, and this is definitely a shit call. Instead of arguing, I hit my lights and head toward the cemetery.
When we get there, I see it. The fogged up windows of a late model Bronco. No doubt these kids are in the back seat. Caleb motions for me to walk over, and I do slowly. Taking my flashlight off of my duty belt, I use it to knock on the window a few times. "Po-lice."
A loud groan is heard, although I still can't see them. The window slowly rolls down and I'm met with the red face of a teenage guy. "What's the problem?"
I raise my eyebrows, giving him a look of disbelief that he’s asking.. "Oh, I think you know. Y'all dressed?" I stand back, giving them a few minutes to get their shit together. Contrary to what everyone else thinks, I remember being their age, and doing things like this in the back seat of my parents’ car.
"We are now."
"Out here." I point to the ground. They scramble out of the back seat, heads hanging down. She's adjusting her skirt, and he's pulling at the waistband of his jeans. When they're in front of me, neither one of them lifts their eyes. "Alright, I think you both know you shouldn't have been doing what you were at the cemetery. It closes at dusk."
"Man, where are we supposed to go?" He asks, voice slightly cracking with frustration.
I feel for him, but it's not my place to tell him where he can go get his freak on. I’m not contributing to the teen parent population of Laurel Springs if I can help it. "I don't know, but you can't stay here. If we roll back around and see you again, you're gonna get a citation. Both of you."
The kid grinds his back teeth together, but doesn't spout off with anything else. Instead, he pushes out between clenched teeth, "Yes, sir."
"Okay, take off."
When he gets in the driver's seat, and she takes her spot beside him, he puts it into gear and leaves.
"Gotta give it to him." Caleb crosses his arms over his chest. "If it'd been me, I would've peeled out. He showed restraint."