Page 10 of Madden
"She is nice. She takes care of me, even when most others don't want to." He shrugs.
I wish I knew everything that this kid has gone through so that I don't have to pry it out of him. I'm aware of how hard it might be, because I was this kid previously. When others wanted to know what was happening at home, I'd hide it. I would have to know them for years to feel comfortable enough talking about it. "That's nice of her. You're lucky to have her."
He nods. "I am. I was afraid I was going to have to stay in that house they put me in. It was scary there." He whispers. "So many noises and my chest hurt like this all the time. It was only for a couple of days, but I can still hear it when I close my eyes."
It hits me how adult this kid talks, how he seems so much older than his years. Because I have personal experience, I know that growing up I always felt like the man of the house and it caused me to talk like an older kid. It had me thinking I was an adult when I wasn't, and it's what I'm trying to prevent for my brother. "The same thing happened to me once or twice." I confess. "And look where I am right now. You just have to remember that's not your present, it's in your past. If I ever feel like that now? I open my eyes and touch something that I can feel. If I can feel it, then it's real, and if it's real, I'm not back where I heard all those noises and saw the shadows they were in."
He slowly nods, his throat moving as he swallows. "That makes sense."
"It'll be better once you get used to it. It'll take time. Eventually, it'll be second nature to you and you won't even have to think about it." I assure him. I can't tell if he believes me or not, but I'm happy to give him some advice.
"When will that be?" He questions.
"I can't tell you that. I wish I could. You're strong though, with an aunt like Becca, how could you not be? She's a pretty awesome person, huh?"
A small smile spreads across his face. "She is. I love her a lot."
"I can see why. Will you be good to go back to your class?" A thought hits me, and it'll be one more thing for me to talk to Principal Faulkner about if my hunch is right. "Does your teacher even know that you're gone?"
He shakes his head slowly. "It's not her fault. I'm invisible no matter where I am."
God this shit breaks my heart.
Mick continues. "I make myself as small as I can, and I don't cause any problems. I don't want anyone to get in trouble because of me, and I don't want to make anyone angry."
The hallmark of a child who's been abused. I hope like hell both his parents are in jail, and they'll never be able to touch him again. "I'm sure you haven't made anyone angry, and you haven't caused any problems. It's important that people see you." I caution him, thinking of the active shooter drills we've been doing lately. If his teachers don't realize he's gone, or even there, what happens when they have to do a headcount?
"I don't want people to see me," he argues.
How do I tell him this without scaring him? Licking my lips, I speak what's on my heart. "I know you don't. I know you want to melt into the background so that there are no expectations for you, but please don't do that. There are times when adults need to know where you are. I know you've participated in fire drills and tornado drills." I wait for him to nod. "Teachers need to keep count of the children in their classes. If they can't see you to count you, then that's going to scare everyone, including Becca."
"I don't want to scare her." He says, his eyes wide and full of fear.
"Then be sure and tell people where you are at all times, Mick. Want me to walk you back to your class?"
He continues rubbing Donut's head. "Yeah. I don't want to go by myself."
I stand up and offer him my hand. "Then we'll go together. You don't have to face this on your own."
It feels like it takes forever, but he finally sticks his hand in mine, and I help him up. "Thank you."
"No problem. We're friends now, aren't we?"
He gives me a smile that shows he's missing a took on the bottom. "Yeah, we are."
Together, we walk down the hallway, and I make a note to try to remember to talk to Becca. This kid needs a guy in his life, and if there's no one available, then I'll gladly offer my time.
My stomach isgiddy with nerves when a text message comes through on my phone. It's Madden. I'm almost scared to check it. What in the world would he need to talk to me about that couldn't wait until the next time we saw each other?
My fingers are shaking as I unlock the screen and gaze at what he's said.
M: Hey Bec, I met your nephew today. He's a nice kid, but seems like he could use a little guidance, and maybe a male figure? I hope I'm not overstepping, but I'd like to talk to you about helping out. Let me know when you're free.
Immediately, failure washes over me. It's a shame I can't explain to anyone who hasn't experienced it before. I've done everything I can to make life better for Mick, but it seems as if I'm falling short at every turn. I acknowledge most of that is me and my own feelings, but I'm at a loss as to what I can do to help make it better for him.