Page 37 of Madden
"Here's the last of the boxes."
I glance over. Chief Harrison is bringing in two more boxes. "Thank you. I've looked through all the others. I hope there's something in these."
"Me too." He sighs, rocking back on his heels. "I thought for sure you would've found something about that room by now. I'm dying to know who created it."
I put my hands over the boxes he's set down. "I'm manifesting the answer to our questions in these two boxes."
He laughs. "You've done really well going through this information and making notes. The ladies at city hall who are going to put this in their archives have been very appreciative. I know you dispatch, but there are some other situations like this that I think you would do well in, if you're interested." He runs a hand through his hair. "I know you're taking care of your nephew, and at one point in my life, I was a single dad. It wasn't easy, especially when he was young. Others didn't understand, and it was frustrating because they didn't realize how important it was for me to be with him." His hand goes to his beard where he scrubs at the hair there. "Anyway, I'm just trying to say I get it, and if I can help you deal with the situation you've been given, please let me know."
I want to cry, and I'm trying hard not to. "Thank you, Chief. I appreciate it more than I can articulate."
"You don't have to." He reaches down, putting his hand on my shoulder. "I don't play favorites, but I do my best to be fair to everyone, and I recognize the struggles my workers have." He tilts his head to the door and gives me a grin before turning around and leaving.
I wish I could tell him exactly how grateful I am, but I get the feeling he's the type of man who doesn't want others to make a big deal out of the good things he does. Wiping at the tears that have leaked under my eyes, I settle back in to begin my search again.
The first of the two boxes Chief Harrison sat down looks older than the rest of them. It has some water damage on the top, along with a bunch of dust and debris. Going to the break room, I grab a handful of paper towels and take them back into the office with me. Carefully, I wipe off the top, and then sigh heavily before I open what I know is going to be another box of cool stuff, but not what I want to know.
"Hey Rebecca, do you want anything from The Café?"
I turn to the door, seeing Ace. Normally, I don't get anything when people ask me, but today I really want something sweet. "Can I get a milkshake?"
"Sure, I'm heading over now. I'll be back in about twenty. Is that good?"
"Perfectly fine. Let me get you my card." I reach for my purse.
"Don't worry about it. Leigh gives us a couple of free meals a month. You've never gotten one, so I'm sure this is covered." He smiles back at me.
"Tell her thank you." It's hard for me to believe that people are this nice. I'm lucky, so very lucky, and I don't know what would have happened to me if I hadn't come to Laurel Springs. I think that's one reason I'd like to figure out what happened with this room in the school's basement. It would be my little contribution to the town I'm starting to think of as home.
Opening the box, I'm assailed with the scent of age and must. Because this box is so much older than the rest, I get up and go grab a couple of disposable gloves. I put them on and carefully start picking through everything that's been stored here. It looks like a bunch of nothing special until I get near the bottom, and there are some handwritten notes.
From the diary of Hannah Strather...
March 25th, 1964
Moonshine is what makes the world turn 'round here in Laurel Springs, and my family is at the epicenter of it all. Not my immediate family, mind you, but I'm the cousin of the biggest producer of moonshine in the states.
Which means I shouldn't be heading to the private club that my family doesn't know about, to meet the man who has had me mesmerized since the moment I saw him. The only thing is, I shouldn't be seeing him. His cousin is the head of the police force who wants to bring my cousin down.
We shouldn't be together, but his green eyes? They look right to my soul every time we get to sneak away with one another. Holder Thompson is a distraction I didn't know I needed, but he's been the best part of my days since we met.
Tonight might be the last night, though. My dad gets suspicious every time I leave, and then stay out late. I have a feeling he's going to be asking questions soon, that I won't be able to answer.
Until that time comes, I'm going to enjoy our nights in the basement. It's one of the coolest places I've ever been, and it's the only place I can get away from the overbearing protection of my father.
Holy shit. "Oh, my God!" I scream loudly.
Footsteps come running toward the office. Chief Harrison is the first one to make it, and he's got his weapon drawn, looking for why I screamed. "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine. I figured out who was at the speakeasy." Holding up the book, I flash him the page I'm reading. "I'm not sure who opened it, but it appears to be young people who don't want to be around their parents. Get this," I point to the page. "I don't know a ton about the two names I'm going to say, but I know they have a lot to do with what used to be The Moonshine Task Force, just from working here. This is the diary of Hannah Strather, cousin of the Strather family, who was running moonshine for decades. She's sneaking around with a Holder Thompson, cousin of..."
"Fucking Holden?" He interrupts me. "Holy shit. This is wild as fuck." He reaches over, grabbing the book out of my hands.
I go to the next one. The bottom of this box is full of what looks like diaries.
From the diary of Hannah Strather...
May 9th, 1964