Page 40 of Madden
As soon as I say the words, Boyd explodes. "You dumbass little piece of shit. You've always wanted to be better than me. To show everyone you succeeded to spite me."
Caleb works quickly, handcuffing him behind his back and presses him up against the cab. He quotes him his rights and then he adds some words. "Your son is double the man you'll ever be. He didn't succeed to spite you, he did it despite you. You have the right to remain silent, and I suggest you exercise it."
A smirk spreads across my face when I hear Caleb tell Boyd to basically shut the fuck up. "We're heading out."
Caleb nods. "If you need anything, let me know. I haven't made this easy on you, and part of that is because of what Ihave going on in my personal life. You don't deserve that. It's a pleasure working with you."
Those words from Caleb are what I imagine mine were to Mick. "Thank you. I love working here, and I'm glad to be on your team."
Grabbing Donut's leash, I lead him back toward the SUV, and when we get in, I let a genuine smile spread across my face.
Today? The good guys won.
"Are you okay?"I ask Madden as we lay on the hammock in his backyard. "You've been really quiet."
He tucks me in further to his chest as we watch Donut and Mick play. Softly, he says, "I saw my dad today."
He's told me a few things about the family he grew up with. I know his parents were similar to Mick's, and to a certain extent, mine. "Was that a good thing or a bad thing?" I question, not sure whether he wants to talk about it or not.
"Both." He shrugs. "He put me in a bad situation."
I wait for him to continue, because I don't want him to feel like he has to tell me anything. I want him to confide in me because he trusts me. Instead of speaking, I trace circles on the soft material of his t-shirt, and wait him out. Most of the time, Madden acts as if he doesn't need someone to listen to him, that his problems and feelings aren't the same as everyone else's. I'd love for him to know I'm here to listen to him no matter how long it takes. I'm patient, the same way he's been with me.
"I was getting done at the school, when Caleb called for a K-9."
He stops, and I take a minute to scoff. "Caleb asked for you? Are you two becoming besties?"
"He's going to kill me when he realizes Ruby is commenting on my posts, and basically flirting with me. Then it's not going to matter if we're besties or not."
"I'll protect you if you need it."
Madden tightens his hold on me. "I'll hold you to that."
He may not tell me anything else, and I have to be okay with that. I want him to confide in me, hope that he cares about me enough to trust me. I trust him, and he's becoming a very important person to me. Turning my head to the side, I watch Mick and Donut. Mick is throwing the ball, and Donut goes to get it, then brings it back. Rinse and repeat. I wish I could enjoy the simplicity of a ball, and throwing it. I miss those days when everything was less chaotic, where I wasn't worried that Trey wouldn't do what's best for his son.
He clears his throat, his voice deep with anguish and something I can't quite place. "When I got to where Caleb was, I saw someone I haven't seen in years. Almost a lifetime, might as well be a fuckin' lifetime. It was my dad."
I gasp as he drops that bomb. "The same one who wouldn't stick around? How long has it been since you've seen him? Did he know it was you?" I can't stop the questions that come out of my mouth like a flowing river.
"Yeah, the same one who didn't stick around. He recognized me," he says softly. "Donut did a sniff of the truck, and indicated that there were drugs inside. He knew, and when I went to tell him, he asked me to shut my body cam off, said that I could do him a solid since he's my dad."
"Oh my god, Madden. I'm so sorry. That must have been difficult."
He shakes his head, inhaling deeply. "It was, not because what he asked me, but because he expected me to do it. He hasn't been around my entire life." He cups the back of my head, running his hands through my hair. "Left me and Beckett with amom who was an alcoholic. There were so many times I got us up and ready for school without any help, I made sure we had food, would help him do his homework. All the while, taking care of myself."
I understand all of this, because I'm in the same situation with Mick and Trey.
"When I turned sixteen, she would call me from the bars to come and get her. I started refusing, and when that happened, she would drive drunk. One night she wrapped her car around a tree, and Beckett was with her. He had just gotten his permit and she convinced him to come pick her up when I wouldn't do it. I had a lot of guilt because of that for a long time." He swallows hard.
"It wasn't your fault." I run my hand up and down his neck, hoping that it will soothe him.
"I know that now, but back then it felt so big, and she never apologized. Not that I expected her to, but it would've been nice. She could've killed my brother, her son, and she didn't fucking care," he blows out a breath on a frustrated sigh. "When I turned eighteen, I took responsibility for him, moved us out of her house, and never looked back. I got him into college, and then I moved around a little, spreading my wings. Eventually I ended up in Laurel Springs."
I give him a grin. "We ended up here together, maybe it was meant to be."