Page 8 of Arranged Pleasures
“Family grew up in the surrounding buildings, said they wanted to keep it close and make it special.” I huff, putting on my sunglasses. There is a glaring sun today after nearly two weeks of cloudy skies and rainfall.
“Shit. Well, money is money. Let’s go in.” I take a few steps but Giulio hurries ahead of me, making it to the door before I can, opening it for me.
“Mr. Valiente, hello sir, welcome to Risotto’s. I’m Mr. Risotto,” the older gentleman greets me. He has shorter brown hair with strands of gray throughout. He is wearing a nicer suit; I am sure to appease me and dress appropriately for my visit.
“You have had seven robberies in less than a year. I assume you are smart enough to know why that is.” I get right into it, refusing to shake his hand. I’m not an investment bank, I am Capo. A trained crime lord. Pleasantries are a waste of my time.
“Right. Yes sir. That is correct. The neighborhood is home, and we wanted to keep it here. We know it’s not a safe area.” Hechanges gears. I look at what I assume is his daughter and wife behind the bar, watching us and I give them a curt nod.
“Have they ever been here or hurt when these have happened?” I gesture to his family as we take a seat at one of the round dinner tables. He nods, his face dropping solemnly, looking over to them briefly then back to me.
“Yes, my daughter was closing and they tied her up. They threw knives at her and taunted her for hours.” My eyes tighten.
“I will take ten percent of last year’s sales up front, with fifteen percent going forward. The ten prior to this agreement will ensure we find the men who did that to your daughter.” The poor man looks at me like I’m some sort of saint. I’m not but in our world, at least in the one I run, women and children are off limits, we don’t just provide protection for the money, we protect the people. So long as we are paid, that is.
“Thank you, yes, we can get that to you. I can have it in ten days?”
“Make it eight, as well as any footage or information from that night, and you have a deal,” I counter.
He hesitates for a second and my face doesn’t change. Finally, he agrees.
“Eight days. Thank you, Mr. Valiente.” He stands just as I do, and he reaches to shake my hand.
“No need, Mr. Risotto. However, remember that your payment is due by the third of each month. By retaining my security, you understand my protection comes with a price, but it doesn’t protect you from me?” He swallows thickly. It’s all well when the Mafia is willing to protect you until you don’t hold up your end of the bargain.
“I understand.”
“Good, my team will be by later with a contract of sorts.” I put my sunglasses back on and leave without him getting in another word. “Giulio. I need to take the day off. I have something totend back home.” I need to get back to Emelia and talk to her further.
“Well, we would be able to do that, sir, but Farren just let me know Emelia is at the club and is demanding you get there.” My heart rate spikes.
“What happened? Is she okay?” I set into motion, rounding the car to the drivers. Giulio will be the passenger for this one.
“James and Farren assure she is safe, but she demanded to be taken there and will not leave. They are asking if they have your approval to forcibly remove her.”
I slam on the gas and the tires screech as I cut off cars and book it for the highway. “If they put their hands on my wife in any forcible way, they will be skinned alive. She is allowed at the fucking club if she needs me. They know that!” I run my hand through my hair, my other hand controlling the steering wheel. I weave in and out of cars, nearing one hundred an hour.
“She is allowed on the middle and top floor, but sir, she is in the rooms.” My chest fucking drops. Emelia is not allowed in the rooms. Wait, is she in there with a man?
“Fuck!” I slam my hand down on the steering wheel. “Call her now!” Giulio hurries and dials her.
It rings and nearly goes to voicemail, but she answers before it does.
“Emelia, fucking Rene. What in the hell are you doing in the rooms!” I scream into the phone, exiting the highway.
“What everyone else is here for. What you used to come here for.” She sounds so calm, yet I’m ready to burn that goddamn place to the ground.
“You are playing with fire, Emelia, get out of the room. Are you alone?” I take a sharp turn down the street of the club and she giggles.
“I guess you will have to see. See you soon,il mio re,” she purrs.
“Don’t you fucking hang up on me, Em?—”
The call ends and I let out a string of profanities. The last time I felt genuine fear or an acid like feeling rising in my body was the day her father almost killed her. I read this all wrong. How long has Emelia been up to this? Has she lost her fucking mind.
Screeching to a halt, I barely put the SUV in park before I am out and running. I undo my jacket and reach in to pull my gun from its holster. I will not hesitate to put a bullet in the brain of anyone in that room and Emelia will watch it. How fucking dare she do this to me.