Page 5 of Alistair
Maggie blinked a few times, her eyes stinging because she’d been staring at him without blinking. She tore her eyes away from the guy and looked at the other teacher. “Yeah, sorry. Did you say something?”
“I asked if you wanted an antacid.” Jenny rattled a pink bottle.
“No, actually. It passed.”
It was weird, though. One minute her heart burned like she’d eaten a taco with too much pico de gallo on it, and the next she felt perfectly fine, albeit a little warm. Probably because she was blushing from staring at the guy too long.
A shadow came over her, and she looked over her shoulder to find herself staring at the midsection of the handsome guy. She tilted her head up and saw he was looking down at her with a smile.
His eyes were storm-gray, and his smile was even better up close.
And holy hells bells, he smelled good.
Like fresh-cut grass and sweet spring air.
“Hello.” His voice was deep, what she imagined honey would sound like if it could talk.
“Hi.” Her voice squeaked. Loudly. She cleared her throat as her cheeks went hot from blush. “Hi,” she tried again, this time without the squeak.
“I’m Alistair, one of the animal handlers at the park.”
She wiggled from the bench and stood. He was a foot taller than her, and even bigger up close than she had imagined. Her fingers actually itched to trace the line of his biceps.
“I’m Maggie, one of the teachers.”
He extended his hand, and when she took it, electricity zinged up her arm and straight to her heart. She sucked in a quick breath.
He inhaled deeply and she swore his eyes went gold for a moment, but she must be imagining things.
“Can I speak to you a moment?” he asked.
“Of course.” She dropped her napkin on her nearly empty tray and followed him just a few feet away.
“I wanted to introduce myself because I’m going to escort you and the kids to the safari tour.”
“That’s great,” she said. “The kids are really excited. We spent the week learning about the animals on the tour, so you might have some kids trying to test you on your knowledge.”
“I’ll do my best,” he said with a smile.
Her knees went weak. Like honest-to-goodness weak.
She’d never reacted like this to being around a guy before, but she was definitely attracted to him.
Well, that was an understatement.
She was more than attracted, she wanted to run away with him and start a life somewhere, where all they did was sex each other up all day and night.
She needed to get a handle on herself or she was liable to say something really embarrassing.
Are you free tonight?
Would you mind taking off your clothes?
She forced herself to stop that train of thought. She was responsible for the kids and she couldn’t let herself get distracted, no matter how good-looking Alistair was.
“We’ll be ready to go soon,” she said.
“I’ll be waiting.”