Page 8 of Alistair
While they waited for the other Jeeps to make their way from paddock to paddock, he played twenty questions with the kids trying to figure out which animal was his favorite, and then they tried to figure out Maggie’s favorite.
His was elephants, of course.
His elephant was a little bummed that her favorite was the bears.
We’ll change her mind.
Once they were on their way, they stopped at the elephant paddock first, and all the kids got out of the Jeep with Maggie and Alistair. He took a group picture with the kids in front of the paddock as Cael lumbered over and trumpeted loudly for them.
Alistair shared some facts about elephants and let the kids ask questions.
They made their way to the rest of the paddocks one by one, stopping for a photo and chat before heading to the next.
When they returned to the staging area, Alistair helped the kids out of the Jeep and then offered his hand to Maggie.
“Thank you so much for the tour,” she said. “The kids loved you.”
He smiled. “I had fun. I hope you did too.”
“I did.” She cleared her throat and chewed on her bottom lip. “I’d like to…ah, shoot. Hold on.”
One of the kids had spilled their water bottle, and she moved to help.
“We’re ready for the next part of the tour,” Rhomi said loudly. “The carousel!”
Maggie moved the kids along, and he fell into step next to her at the back of the group.
“What did you want to say?” he asked.
“Oh. Uh…um…” she stuttered, and didn’t say anything, which he thought was adorable. After a long pause, she stopped and faced him. “I’d like to get your phone number. If you don’t…have someone in your life? Like you’re married or in a relationship? Ack! I sound like a loon.” She put her head in her hands and breathed out an exasperated chuckle.
His elephant was fully enchanted by her.
“You’re not a loon, I promise. I was going to ask you for your number too. It was just tough with the kids around. I’m not married or in a relationship. You’re not either, right?”
She dropped her hands. “Nope, I’ve been single for a while.”
He pulled out his phone, and she gave him her number and he sent her a text. Her phone pinged and she smiled at him.
They caught up to the kids, who were now in line for the carousel, which had been recently restored by August and hismate Ginny. Ginny told the kids the history of the carousel and invited them to take turns riding as much as they wanted for the next hour, and then they’d each get to take one of the special large cherry suckers the candy shop had prepared for them.
Alistair leaned on the iron fence around the perimeter of the large ride next to Maggie.
“The kids have had such fun today,” she said. “The park really pulled out all the stops.”
“Did you have fun too?”
When she smiled at him, her eyes crinkling at the corners and a dimple forming in one cheek, he wanted to rush her off someplace private and see how soft her lips were and if she tasted as good as she smelled.
He managed to once more keep his hands to himself.
“I’m free tonight,” he said, trying to sound casual but feeling like he sounded anythingbutcasual.
She glanced at him. “Oh?”
He cleared his throat. “Yeah, if you were…also free, I could maybe take you out to dinner?”