Page 42 of Cora
This was a classic case of agreeing to disagree. Unfortunately, it didn’t matter if I agreed or not; it was happening. Remi gave me a sympathetic smile and set his knife on the table beside my bowl.
“You can use my knife, Little Mouse.”
I rolled my eyes and scoffed at him as I reached into my boot, pulled out the hunting knife I had left there, and plunked it on the table beside his. If I was doing this, you can bet your ass I was going to do it with my weapon.
Derrick started chuckling. “Hers is bigger than yours, Rem.”
“Or not,” Remi said, taking his knife back.
I took another slow bite of oatmeal. I was dragging breakfast out so long that it had cooled off and wasn’t as yummy as it had been when Trent put the bowl in front of me.
“Princess, you can take as long as you want to eat breakfast. You’ll still be going outside and killing zombies today,” Isaac said without looking up from the book he was reading. Now that he had access to Daddy’s how-to manuals, he was slowly working his way through them.
I sighed loudly, making Isaac’s lips twitch, and pushed the bowl away. I stood and grabbed my hunting knife. May as well get this shit over with. I walked outside and stood in the middle of the yard with my arms crossed.
Derrick and Isaac went to the shed where they had stuffed the handful of zombies they had caught. It started to shake as Isaac unlocked it. They swung the doors open and quickly ran out of view, leaving me the only living thing within their sight.
“You’ve got this, Cora!” Trent cheered quietly.
I winked at him before focusing on the seven zombies stumbling toward me. I circled, trying to get one separated a little more from the pack. I saw one who got distracted and didn’t immediately follow me and skirted around the pack to come up behind him. I grabbed his shoulder and stabbed him in the back of the head— or tried to. My blade bounced off the zombie’s skull, slicing off his ear.
Son of a bitch.
“You have to use more power than that to go through the skull, Cora,” Derrick called.
“Aim for the softer areas,” Remi advised, “and watch behind you!”
I pushed the zombie away from me and darted away from the pack before one of them could get ahold of me. Ok, this wasn’tgoing to be as simple as I thought. I stayed on the first zombie and went after him again. This time, I attacked from the side and stabbed my knife through his ear and into his skull. He became deadweight, crumbling to the ground and sliding off my knife. If I hadn’t had such a good grip on it, the damn thing would have been yanked out of my hand.
I quickly turned back to the pack and selected my next target. This seemed a little ridiculous since, in a real-world scenario, I probably wouldn’t have the chance to take my time, but I kept at it. The guys seemed to think this would help, and if it made them feel more comfortable, then I would play along.
Once I got the hang of it, taking out the rest of the zombies wasn’t too tricky. It was rather invigorating! I was so caught up in the moment that when Isaac grabbed me, I spun around, ready to stab the threat in the head. Luckily, he anticipated the move and grabbed my wrist before I could.
I dropped the knife in an instant and dragged Isaac’s face to mine with my free hand. He let me control the kiss, devouring him instead for once. When the kiss ended, I looked to my right, where Derrick was watching, and reached for him. I pulled him into a kiss even though I was still wrapped around Isaac.
The adrenaline still pumping through my veins was quickly turning into something else. I needed them. All of them. I slid my hand into Isaac’s pants and wrapped my hand around his penis. Now that I had seen them all, I had to assume that Trent was the only one with a “cock.” Isaac looked at me with a question in his eyes.
“Are you sure about this, Cora?”
I nodded. This was the first time I initiated something with all of them around. I wasn’t sure how Remi would react. We hadn’t had our time together yet, but I wanted to have sex, and I didn’t want to have to choose between them. I didn’t want to have todrag someone off to a room. I wanted it here, now, and with all of them together.
He must have seen the determination in my eyes because a rakish smile spread across his face seconds before he stooped to put me over his shoulder. He walked toward the house, and I pounded on his back to get him to stop. I didn’t want to go inside! Isaac stepped onto the porch and then set me on my feet.
“Relax, Cora. I was just bringing you to the porch. Wouldn’t want to accidentally roll around in zombie guts, would you?”
I wrinkled my nose. He had a very good point.
“Am I correct in assuming our Little Mouse is interested in a group activity?” Remi asked as he and the other two joined us on the porch.
I nodded my head emphatically and then blushed as I met his gaze. I tilted my head to the side, silently asking him if he was ok with this.
Remi smiled softly and ran the back of his finger over my cheek. “How do you want us, beautiful?”
I froze. How did I want them? I didn’t know the answer to that question. I wasn’t the one who knew how all of this worked. I was counting on them to tell me what to do. My silent panic must have been obvious because Isaac’s face was suddenly in mine.
“Don’t freak, Cora. We’ll take care of everything, ok?” his sentence ended with a growl as he glared at Remi.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to put all the pressure on you,” Remi apologized. He grabbed my hand and tugged me against him. We kissed tentatively as his hands ran down my sides. “What do you say we start by getting you out of these clothes?” he asked against my lips.