Page 23 of Theirs to Corrupt
Sunlight is streaming through the windows.
Desperate to throw off the dreams, I rise onto my elbows and blink the world into focus.
Slowly I remember where I am, and memories rush back. Axel’s thugs. Link and Pax rescuing me.
Looking around, I notice a duffel bag on the floor.
Not just any bag, but mine, with a broken zipper and a tear in one corner.
Its presence chills me.
My door has a lock, but clearly that didn’t stop at least one of the men from entering while I slept.
Did they watch me?
Shaking, I toss back the covers to cross the room.
Unnerved, I crouch to open the bag. It’s stuffed with my belongings. Jeans, T-shirts, toiletries. Bras and underwear are tucked into one corner.
They were in the bedroom at my apartment.
The realization sends a chill through me. Did Natalie let them in? Or did they break in?
How dare they?
I bring my chin up. Anger replaces all other emotions.
No onegets to make decisions for me.
I need to leave, and fast.
Once I’m dressed, I crack open the door.
Seeing no one around, I hurry down the stairs and quietly slip into the kitchen.
Freedom is steps away, so close that my heart begins to gallop.
I snatch up my purse from the back of the barstool, and when I reach the back door, I grab the doorknob, hope surging through me?—
“Going somewhere, Tessa?”
Link’s cold voice freezes me to the spot.
But I can’t miss my chance.
Determinedly I turn it.
“You don’t want to do that.” Pax’s warning is soft, but firm.
Despite my sudden anxiety, I pull the door open.
Alarms shred the morning air.
“Authorities have been notified. Authorities have been notified.”
On and on a mechanical voice goes, ricocheting off the walls.
Frantic, I swing to face them.