Page 29 of Theirs to Corrupt
“She’s waiting for you. Pax and the other agents will take you.”
I’m momentarily speechless.
His lips quirk a little.
A smile? A truce? A little breathless, I manage, “Thank you.”
Pax places a hand on my shoulder. “You ready to go?”
I nod.
Once more, Pax disables the alarm. Torin and Mira exit first, scanning the area. For threats?
Surely this is overkill.
In the doorway, I stop and look over my shoulder.
Link has remained in place, legs spread, arms folded, studying me.
Unsure what to make of him, I shake my head and then follow the agents.
Pax is right behind me.
Once Mira seals Pax and I in the back seat of the SUV, he suggests I let Natalie know we’re on the way.
“Good idea.” Immediately I send the text.
Torin drives with the same quiet efficiency that seems to define him. Mira sits beside him. Her head seems to be constantly moving as she looks ahead, then in the side-view mirror.
Less than a minute later, Natalie responds to my message.
Can’t wait to see you. So many questions.
Then I drop my phone back into my purse and turn to Pax. “Where are we going?”
“Sterling Uptown.”
“The…?” Can things get any more surreal? The Uptown is one of Houston’s newest hotels and supposedly the most expensive ever built in the city. The place is reported to be opulent with amazing food and even a luxury car dealership in the lobby.
In my wildest dreams, I’d never be able to afford a single night there, and my rescuers have paid for a room there for someone they don’t even know? “Are you kidding me?”
“Their security measures are renowned.”
From what I’ve heard, getting a reservation at the Uptown takes a small miracle. “Surely there are other hotels in the city that have great security.” Where a one-night stay doesn’t cost more than my monthly rent.
“There are.”
“So why this one?”
“For you.”
“For…?” I blink.
“She matters to you.” His words are stated simply, as if the explanation is self-explanatory.
Link and Pax put my friend up at the best place in the city as a favor to me?
I can’t begin to think through what that means.