Page 35 of Theirs to Corrupt
“Your personal assistant.”
The route we’re taking doesn’t seem to lead back to the house. Frowning, I turn to Pax. “Where are we going?”
“Link’s office.” His tone is flat, as if the answer should have been obvious.
The rest of the ride to the downtown high rise is quick, and the city seems to pass in a blur.
Flanked by Mira and Pax, we’re whisked up forever to the fiftieth floor.
Another surreal experience.
The suite of offices is marked as Merritt Sovereign Capital.
The name is as pretentious as he is.
Mira opens the door and enters, and Pax nods at me to follow.
Inside, the sleek, modern decor speaks of power and wealth, making me feel even more out of place.
A woman sits behind a desk, her blonde hair styled in a sleek bob. She smiles at Pax.
“I’ll let Mr. Merritt know you’ve arrived.”
Moments later, after speaking into her headset, she stands and walks to the door. After knocking, she turns the handle, then steps aside.
Pax inclines his head in my direction. “After you.”
To stop my hands from shaking, I ball them into fists.
Pax closes the door behind us with a decisive, echoing click.
Link is standing near the floor-to-ceiling windows, and he turns to face me.
As always, I’m unprepared for my reaction to him as his blue eyes lock onto mine, intense and unreadable.
“Have you made a decision?” he asks, his voice low and steady.
My heart races, and my tummy plummets.
The weight of the last twelve hours—Natalie’s perspective, the fact I have nowhere to live, to run, and there’s no hiding from the man who wants me—crashes onto my shoulders.
“Tessa?” he prompts.
“Yes,” I whisper, then clear my throat and speak more firmly. “Yes, I’ll marry you.”
Good? That’s it?
“Have a seat.” He indicates the small area off to one side. There’s a couch and two armchairs, along with a coffee table in the middle with bottled water. “There’s something the three of us need to discuss before we move forward.”
What more could there be?
At his nod, I perch on the edge of a sofa cushion.
Link sinks into one of the leather armchairs, facing me.
I don’t have to wait long.