Page 15 of Yolo
I’d never see again…
“Okay.” I breathed. “Okay.”
“You’ll be perfectly fine,” he promised. “We’ll make it so.”
I blinked, and it was only then that I realized that my eyes had been open, and not closed, the entire time.
“What now?” My voice cracked.
“Now,” my dad started but didn’t get to finish when an angry male voice, and a bitchy female voice, from outside halted his words. “Shit.”
“I just want to see her, damn. It’s not that hard,” Joseph grumbled as if it wasn’t a big deal.
“Has he even shown up in all this time?” I wondered.
“No,” my mother replied. “He hasn’t.”
Of course he hadn’t.
“Will you get rid of him?” I asked. “I don’t want him anywhere near me.”
“Done.” I heard Dad’s chair scoot against the floor.
Seconds later, I heard Dad say, “You need to leave. You’re not welcome here.”
“I’m not welcome?” Joseph laughed. “That’s my fiancée in there. Of course, I’m welcome.”
“No,” Dad disagreed. “You’re not.”
“We’re not going anywhere,” I heard my ex-future mother-in-law’s voice say. “We’re here to see Lea.”
“Her name is Bindi, you stupid bitch,” I heard my mother mutter under her breath.
I snorted.
“You’re leaving, because you almost killed my daughter with your negligence. Nor have you even tried to show up the last three days. Three. Days,” Dad pushed. “Now, please leave.”
“It’s not a big deal. I mean, you were already here. What was it that I could do?” Joseph asked. “I mean, I was already in town, so I might as well get the hikes in before you needed a ride home.”
This utter asshole.
“Joseph,” I said calmly. “You don’t have to wait for me anymore. My mom and dad are going to go home with me.”
I mean, we hadn’t discussed it, but I knew they’d be coming with me.
“And we’ll be packing all your shit up and moving you the hell out of her apartment,” Dad grumbled.
“What?” Joseph asked. “Why?”
This selfish piece of shit had no clue why my dad would do that?
“Because you’re moving out,” my mom said calmly. “You’ll also need to find a new place to live and announce to the rest of your family that you won’t be marrying our daughter.”
“What?” Joseph’s voice rose. “Why?”