Page 93 of Yolo
“I’m not going to shoot you,” Bindi grumbled.
“You ever heard of knocking?” I asked, my eyes still bleary from sleep.
“I did,” he said. “In my head.”
My woman giggled, still not picking her head up from her pillow, letting me know that she was now awake.
Atlas walked toward me and placed Glades in between the two of us, uncaring that we were both practically naked and still in bed, and still asleep.
“I have to go save my girl from a murder hornet,” he exaggerated.
“You mean a fly?” I asked, turning over and cuddling Glades closer to me.
I loved my nieces and nephews. All of them equally. But the baby stage was my favorite, and Glades was firmly in my favorite stage for now.
Bindi finally picked her head up when Glades made a soft, cooing sound. “Is that my baby?”
Atlas snorted. “Bye.”
He left us then, and Bindi rolled over and reached out.
I caught her hand and placed it on Glades’s chest.
“Hey, Glades,” she whispered.
I felt my belly dip.
In the last week, she’d met all of my brothers and sisters-in-law.
She’d also met all the nieces and nephews. The ones who could comprehend that Bindi was blind had all promised to help her, and I’d witnessed Bindi fall in love with them.
Neither one of us had told them that we were together, but at this point, it might as well be obvious.
I did pull them all aside and tell them we were keeping it on the down low at work, though.
At least for now.
“I guess this means we have to get up.” She smiled as she leaned down and pressed a kiss onto Glades’s chest. “I’m going to go let them out.”
She slipped out of bed and picked my T-shirt up from the dresser where I made sure to put it every night for her.
She slipped it on over her head and then whistled for the dogs.
“Let’s go outside and get some breakfast, boys,” she called.
The dogs followed dutifully behind her, and I heard the back door open and close.
Seconds later, I heard voices and knew that her mother had joined her.
Getting up myself, I left Glades on the bed surrounded by pillows and quickly got dressed.
When I came out of the bathroom, it was to find him awake and glaring hard.
“Well, hello, Glades,” I said to him. “What’s with the grumpy face?”
I picked him up, and his expression softened.
Reaching for the bottle that he’d probably had recently but hadn’t finished, I popped it into his mouth and started for the voices.