Page 13 of The Originals
“Why’s that?”
Meg shrugged. Knowing what she wanted was one thing, but vocalizing it sometimes led to being stigmatized, or it was interpreted as selfishness. Girls got married, they had babies, and they raised them while their husbands worked. That’s how her mom’s life had been, and it was assumed she’d follow suit, as if it was the only choice.
“Nah, Meg, you can’t do that.” Mick laughed, stepping closer to her and lowering his voice. “Don’t shut down on me now, sweetheart.”
Where was the harm in sharing? Considering Mick’s lifestyle, he might understand. If he didn’t, she had a feeling he wouldn’t judge her.
She sighed. “I’m the oldest of eight. We’re all about two years apart. A lot of kids, lots of little ones. The older kids are usually expected to help, right? But it’s usually just the girls, and since I’m the oldest and the three under me are boys, caring for all the younger siblings somehow fell on me.”
“They scarred you?” Mick teased.
“A little. My dad got laid off for a while, and money was really tight. He took odd jobs, but nothing paid like his old position, so my mom got a job too. With both of them working,Ibecame the mom. I’m not complaining, but…”
“I’d be fucking complaining,” Mick said.
Maybe she was finally talking to a person who wouldn’t out her secret and humiliate her for it. She glanced over at him, and Mick was staring back. He looked so different outside of the clubhouse. She’d noticed it during dinner. Without the club around, she saw him in a different light. It was as if the biker stigma was washed away, and he was just Mick.
He lifted his chin, smirking. “You gotta tell me what you’re thinking ’cause I like that look you’re giving me.”
The heat rose from her chest to her cheeks, and she quickly turned her head, focusing on the water.
“I wasn’t thinking about sex.” She cringed the second the words left her lips.
Mick chuckled. “Well, you’re the one who keeps bringing it up.”
She was. Maybe she was trying to convince herself. She needed to change the subject before she found herself bent over with her panties around her ankles.
“Your turn. Tell me something no one knows about you.”
“Don’t want kids either.”
She rolled her eyes, smiling. “You can’t take my answer.”
“I can if it’s mine too.” Mick snorted, taking a drag and tossing the cigarette to the ground, crushing it with the heel of his boot. “Never saw myself as a dad. Tied down with that kind of responsibility. Freedom is all I want, all I’ve ever fucking wanted. Live my own life on my terms and not have to worry about letting anyone down with the choices I make. Don’t have to live up to anyone’s expectations. Pure fucking freedom.”
It sounded amazing. Like the kind of life she wanted. Meg loved her family, but she wanted to carve out her own path.
“That sounds like a perfect plan. Just you.”
“I didn’t say that. Said I didn’t want kids. Didn’t say I didn’t want people with me.”
“Right, of course, your club.”
“Yeah, and maybe an old lady.” His gaze heated.
“Like a wife?”
Mick chuckled. “Yeah, a wife.”
That was not at all what she expected to hear from him. How would that even work? Meg had heard stories of wives turning a blind eye to infidelities. However, they’d been discreet. Meg couldn’t imagine any woman watching her man openly cheat on her with random women. From the looks at the clubhouse, there were plenty of available and willing girls.
“Good luck finding a woman who’d be willing to share you.”
He snorted. “Share me?”
“Yeah, you know, with other women.”
Mick raised his brows.