Page 29 of The Originals
“You didn’t finish.” she said, a small spike in her voice.
“First time I come, I wanna be inside you.”
She inched closer. “I’m ready now.”
Mick swallowed a chuckle. Meg surprised him with her little vixen tone.
“But baby, you don’t fuck on the second date.”
She furrowed her brows. “I changed my mind.”
Mick snickered and shook his head. “No, can’t do that.”
Mick had his reasons. Everything that happened as soon as they walked into his room had been strictly lust motivated. He had no issue with that. But this was something more with Meg. He wasn’t going to fuck her a few times and then be done. When he told her he wanted her, he meant forever. Mick would wait and follow what she said, abide by her rules.
“Are you turning me down?” Her bottom lip poked out in a cute pout, which had his dick getting hard again. This was backfiring. He was caught between the right thing in his mind. And sinking inside her. Meg made it hard to resist when she straddled his lap. She ground her pussy against his growing cock.
Mick hooked his leg around her thigh, flipped her onto her back, and laid over the top of her.
“Four dates,” he said, watching her eyes widen. “Baby, that was your rule.”
She groaned and sank her head into the pillow.
“Men are notorious for not listening to a goddamn word a woman says, butthisyou remember?”
Mick burst out laughing, dropping his face into the crook of her neck.
My old lady’s funny.
Chapter Seven
A month probably wasn’t enough time to make a lifelong decision, especially at her age. It didn’t matter. Meg was wholeheartedly and unapologetically in love with Mick. Not everyone in her circle understood it. Her parents, though they tried to remain neutral, had their reservations. Her father had gently given her the speech about how Mick’s life would not be a traditional one.
Good!The last thing Meg wanted for her life was a traditional, white-picket fence with a husband who worked nine-to-five, two kids, and a small dog in the yard. It wasn’t a bad life per se, just not the one Meg wanted for herself. While her parents, mainly her dad, had his concerns, he didn’t try to rule her decisions. And for Mick’s part, he’d made an effort with her parents. Her brothers were fascinated by him, mostly his motorcycle.
“Mick’s here!” her brother shouted, and she grabbed her backpack and jacket, rushing out of her room.
In the last month, she’d only spent a handful of nights a week at home. During the week, when she worked at the phone company, she’d drive over after work and stay with him. The only times they hadn’t spent the nights together was when he was away on runs. Otherwise, she’d practically moved into his room at the clubhouse.
“Bye!” Meg rushed out the door and down her front steps.
Mick glanced over, smiling as she hooked her pack over her shoulders. This would be her first ride with the whole club. Meg quickly learned there were two types of rides. One she wasallowed to join, and the other she wasn’t. Mick never went into too much detail about the club or what he did when he was gone for days at a time. Even when Meg pressed, Mick was firm. Ghosttown was his club, and there were aspects of it she’d never be privy to. It might’ve been a sore spot for some women, but Mick’s ending words to the conversation were enough for Meg.
You get all of me. You just don’t get all of the club.
Meg stopped at the bike and lifted her foot to the peg, but Mick stopped her, pressing his hand against her stomach.
“You forgetting something?”
She furrowed her brows. She couldn’t think of anything. She’d packed light since they’d be on the bike for hours. She’d brought a jacket for when it got cooler at night. Two pairs of shorts, two tops, undergarments, and her toiletries. What else was there?
“I don’t think so.”
Mick raised his brows. “You forgetting togiveme something?”
Give him something? Meg cocked her head and watched him smile, focusing on his lips.Oh, right.She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and kissed him as his hand hooked around her waist, pulling her closer. Making out in front of her house had become the new normal when Mick dropped her off. Meg was sure she was the weekly topic for the gossips on her block.